The following named Vineyarders are officers of the whaling fleet for the season of 1901 sailing out of San Francisco:

Steamer Narwhal - Alonzo M. Ripley, second mate.

Steamer Balaena - Ward P. Vineen, first mate.

Steamer Beluga - H. H. Bodfish, master; Andrew W. Look, first mate; Thomas G. Fisher, fourth mate.

Bark Gay Head - Charles W. Fisher, master; Tisdale S. Pease, first mate; Abram L. Joab, fourth mate.

Steamer Alexandr - B. T. Tilton, master.

Steamer William Baylies - Stephen F. Cottle, master; George F. Tilton, first mate; S. D. Tilton, third mate; Zadoc A. Cottle, chief engineer.

Steamer Belvedere - Joseph Belain, boat-header; John Peters, fourth mate.

Bark Chas W. Morgan - J. A. M. Farle, master.