The United States Marine Hospital at Vineyard Haven is to be partially remodeled and enlarged, the grounds are to be relaid out and beautified, and the roads and drives altered extensively, according to information received by the Gazette this week. Federal funds have been appropriated for the purpose, and already one contract, for the building of an incinerator, has been awarded to the A. Durso Co. of Haverhill. From this fact it is concluded that the remaining contracts may be awarded at any time and the work begun.
The remodeling will consist in the removal of the ell on the rear of the building which includes the kitchen and dining room, and some smaller apartments. In its place a much larger, two story, brick addition will be built, containing kitchen, dining room, X-ray room, operating room, lavatory, and a ten-bed ward.
Dr. Felix R. Brunot, surgeon in charge of the hospital, is highly in favor of the improvements, and further has expressed the view that they should not stop at this point. The doctor says that, in his opinion, the entire hospital should be modernized and its capacity increased to sixty or seventy beds. It would be a simple matter, he believes, to keep the enlarged hospital filled to capacity by means of transfers from other points, and from various other angles he believes that such a change would be desirable.
Such a change would necessitate the attendance of two physicians, which is always desirable, and the splendid work which is traditional of this hospital might then be carried on in a suitable setting and under modern conditions.
Plans for the improvements to the grounds include much paving of drives, curbing, walks, and additional shrubbery.