The piercing wail of fire sirens and the exuberant cheering of Regional High supporters greeted each plane-load of the victorious Purple and White football team at the Martha's Vineyard Airport Saturday evening following their first win in seven years over a Nantucket eleven.

The Vineyarders convincingly overwhelmed a surprised and heavily favored undefeated Whalers, knocking them out of first place in the Mayflower League and winning the game by the lopsided score of 26 to 6. The six plane-loads of 155 players and spectators that were flown to the outer Island by Air New England were treated to a game they will long remember.

The 800 fans, most of them Nantucketers who had come to witness another Whaler victory, left the field awed by the power of this Vineyard team.

Scoring for the Vineyarders were Ronnie and Brown (twice), Jeff Clements, co-captain Richie Madeiras, and Bob Trebby, who kicked the points after, but the almost unbelievable thing about the game was achievement of the defensive unit of the Purple and White in stopping the powerful Whaler attack four times inside the 10 yard line.

Brown opened the scoring for the Vineyarders, following a fumble on the Whaler 17 yard line. He scooted through the hole opened by Chris Look and Justin Baer and shook off tacklers as he fought his way into the end zone. Brown;s second touchdown in the fourth quarter is believed to be the longest scoring run from scrimmage in New England school-boy football this season. This time he went through the other side of the line and aided by a key block by John Magnuson outraced the Whaler defenders 91 yards for the most exciting run of the year.

John Fragosa's 17-yard run set up the second Vineyard score as he moved the ball to the four yard line. Willie Wannamaker and Richie Clark then took over, opening a hole for quarterback Clements to plunge through to put the Vineyard ahead 13 to 0. Trebby kicked his second point of the day, upping the score to 14 to 0.

The Nantucket squad, following a half-time reprimand by Coach Vito Capizzo, stiffened their defense and held the Vineyarders scoreless in the third quarter while Nantucket scored its lone tally. Gary DaSilva returned a Fragosa punt and Glen DaSilva bulled his way through the Vineyard secondary for the touchdown.


Field Goal Attempt Blocked


A 28-yard field goal attempt by Trebby was blocked at the line of scrimmage, but with the Vineyard leading by a slim touchdown, Brown tallied to make the score 20 to 6. Them Madeiras, with the game nearly over, went 26 yards for the fourth score. After starting off to his right, he reversed his field and ran unmolested into the end zone.

The defensive ends Tom Welch and Dave Dunbar stopped the end runs of Nantucket and time and time again tackled the quarterback, Dooley, to halt the passing attack, and Mark Davis, defensive back, was all over the field, making 21 tackles during the afternoon.

Peter Moreis, who has played outstandingly for the Vineyarders this year broke his collar bone while tackling Glen DaSilva and will be lost to the team for the remainder of the season. Hopefully he will be ready for the coming basketball season.

Coaches Jerry Geralamo and John Bachellor, who have brought the team along for four years, have now seen their efforts pay off with a record to date of 5 wins and 2 defeats, and in the Mayflower League a record of 3 and 1.