Plans for the protection of property and persons on Martha’s Vineyard in the event of a war emergency have been pushed forward this week by the special committee appointed for this purpose by Governor Saltonstall. A meeting was held at the town hall in Tisbury on April 3, at which all the town chairmen were present, save one. H. M. Crist presided as coordinator. Others present were Dr. Francis C. Buckley of Oak Bluffs, Raymond V. Chipman of Tisbury, Francis A. Foster of West Tisbury, Leonard C. Vanderhoop of Gay Head, and Richard L. Colter of Edartown. Ernest J. Dean, chairman for Chilmark, was absent in Boston.
The general plan of work to be done here is the same as that outlined for every community in the state, and follows the pattern recommended by the federal government. The whole program was graphically presented at the two days’ session of the Massachusetts Safety Conference at Boston last week, which was attended by Mr. Chipman, Dr. Buckley and Mr. Crist. More than one thousand men and women were present as delegates and heard thrilling addresses by John W. Farley, executive director of the civilian defense organization, General James A. Woodruff, commander of this corps area, and other authorities. Delegates gathered in groups through the Hotel Statler and for two days were instructed by experts on every phase of protection of life and property.
Lists Are Distributed
The local chairmen have distributed large numbers of registration lists for volunteers to indicate the particular home defense services they may be able to render, women as well as men. As fast as these lists are signed they are forwarded to headquarters in Boston. Chairmen are signing up persons for definite responsibilities in event of emergency. Auxiliary firemen and police are being organized. Arrangements have been made at Oak Bluffs and elsewhere by which these groups will use official equipment in order to familiarize themselves with the operations of trucks, hose and other apparatus. The officers of the regular services have been generous in coaching the volunteers.
At last week’s meeting a committee composed of Mr. Chipman and Mr. Crist was assigned to confer with local officers of the Cape and Vineyard Electric Company concerning existing power equipment and plans for meeting an Island disaster. Similar steps were taken in connection with fuel tanks and other possible fire hazards on Vineyard Haven harbor. Arrangements were discussed for extending instruction in first aid and to increase the nurses and others available in all parts of the Island for emergencies.