The section of Peaked Hill which the government proposes to take for the purpose of establishing a signal station represents only a small part of the Peaked Hill property so-called. The entire property comprises 150 acres, and the part chosen by the gov­ernment is a four and a half acre plot, which includes the site of the triangu­lation point monument previously erected there. It is not, as a matter of fact, the highest point of the Vine­yard’s loftiest eminence, 311 feet in height, but it is regarded as line of the most beautiful. It is the peak nearest the Middle Road.
The property is owned in equal shares by Mrs. Johnson Whiting, Wes­ley Mayhew Whiting and Mrs. War­ren W. Coles, of Hyattsville, Md., Mrs. Whiting’s sister. The survey of the land and the search of the title has just been completed by Garrett Hagen of the U. S. Department of Justice.