Since our last issue many stirring events have transpired. The flight of Lee and his army, of Jeff Davis and his cabinet; the story of the occupation of Petersburg and Richmond; the matchless energy and daring enterprise of Sheridan, who has won now laurels as an infantry commander, by his masterly strategy in masking his movements so effectually as to delude his enemies into the belief that they were to win a victory, when he was quietly encircling them in his toils; his wonderful success in taking thousands of prisoners, all these have given place to the welcome intelligence, from official sources, that Gen. Lee has surrendered the army of Northern Virginia to Gen. Grant.
This news reached our island early on Monday afternoon. A brief telegram was brought over the Vineyard Sound, in a small row boat by the son our enterprising mail carrier, Capt. Thomas Hinckley. The Boston papers, received two or three hours later, fully confirmed the glad news, and gave the full correspondence between the two generals, Grant and Lee.
It is simply impossible in stirring times like these, to give, in the brief limits we can spare, anything like full details of the wonderful events daily transpiring. Everywhere the flags are raised, the bells are rang, and loud-mouthed cannon proclaim the people’s joy. The newspapers employ their largest type to herald the good news. Our neighbor of the New Bedford Mercury, however, distances all competitors in this respect. He tells the story aloud.
We have evidence of the same feeling in a letter covering three large pages of letter sheet, just received by our respected townsman, Hon. Samuel G. Vincent, from his son, Charles M., - formerly an apprentice in the Gazette office, - now a member of the 40th Mass. The ardent desire, so long cherished, that he might enter Richmond, has been gratified. We give the letter entire: -
Richmond Va.
April 3d, 1865
Dear Father,
I am here.
Your affectionate son,
Charlie Mac.
The Capture of Richmond
The culmination of this protracted contest is happier than could have been expected. The prize is won with far less effort and cost than we have often expended in utter and lamentable failure. Reputations have been made and lost, but none so great as in the fall of Richmond. This, doubtless, involves the fate of a nation, and the welfare of many. It consigns to honor or disgrace thousands who have made their greatest sacrifices.
The campaign which was begun nearly a year ago from the Rapidan, by the commander-in-chief, resolved itself, after much fighting, into a seige of a single city. Petersburg was the key to Richmond, the door to Virginia, and the vital nerve in the spine of the confederacy. The gates of Richmond flew open when our men drove the enemy out of the Petersburg forts on Sunday.
The military problem to be solved was one in which there were about equal pluck, discipline, and soldierly sagacity. The material resources, as also the numbers, were in our favor. Still it required a superiority of strategical genius to have forced the enemy to assume a position which must and did, though at the end of much time and toil, finally destroy him. General Grant, therefore, deserves the honors he well, doubtless, receive for having beaten the ablest of the confederate officers, General Lee, in a chosen contest of skill and valor.