We present to our readers this morning, the first number of “The Vineyard Gazette,” and are happy to state that our subscription list is well filled, our advertising patronage respectable, and that we have every hope of being enabled, by industry and perseverance, to put forth a paper which shall meet the expectations of the community.
In conformity with usage, we give a brief outline of the general character of the Gazette, taking care to make no promises which may not be realized. The Gazette will be strictly neutral on politics and religious subjects, being tied to no party, nor bound to any man’s opinion. We shall furnish such original matters as we think will most interest the general reader; and take pleasure in saying that we have the promise of many valuable contributions, from friends at home and at a distance, some of whom we expect to number among our regular correspondents. A portion of the paper will generally be devoted to moral and religious reading.
We shall furnish the latest news, both foreign and domestic, and in our selections we shall endeavor to unite the agreeable with the useful, and if possible to please the taste of the business man and the man of leisure.
We shall be happy to receive communications on all subjects of interest; it being unnecessary to say that none will be admitted to our columns which are not strictly moral in their tendency.
Of its form and dress, the present number of the Gazette is offered as a specimen. We solicit patronage, it shall be our study to merit it.
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