The type from which these lines were printed was cast upon the Gazette’s linotype machine. The operator at the key-board simply struck the keys before her - much like the keys of a type-writer - touched upon a layer at the end of each line, and line by line the article appeared in type, ready to be printed.
For the past seventy-four-years the Gazette has been set each week by hand. After the day of publication all the type has had to be redistributed into the cases.
Now when the paper is printed the type cast upon the linotype machine simply goes back into the melting pot to be used again. Through this saving alone the time and labor of setting type for the Gazette are almost cut in half.
The linotype machine ranks with the invention of the printing press itself in importance to the printer of today. And now the Vineyard Gazette has bridged the gap from the old era to the new.
To those who have faith in Martha’s Vineyard the installation of this machine may offer some satisfaction. It means the beginning of an up-to-date and thoroughly efficient printing plant on the island. The Gazette office will be equipped for an increasing variety of work with the maximum degree of economy.
It means also a great possibility for improvement in the Vineyard Gazette itself. The hardest difficulties for a country newspaper to contend with are the mechanical limitations which make it impossible at times to print the news as it should be printed. The linotype machine takes care of type-setting and releases a great fund of energy which will be devoted to improving the Gazette and making it a better newspaper field.
Miss Leona St. Pierre and Miss Elizabeth Marchant whose deft fingers have picked the type from the cases to make each week’s Gazette will operate the linotype machine. To obtain a firm foundation for the machine, the Gazette has made an annex of the store in the Osborn block, opposite the old office, where the linotype has been installed.