The Gazette has, since last week’s issue appeared, completely changed its clothes. The new type dress, by virtue of the installation of a new linotype machine, is not confined to the text of the paper but extends to headlines and most of the large display type in the advertisements.
In 1920 the Gazette installed its first typesetting machine, a linotype designed for the composition of all body matter in the paper. More than any other single factor, this machine has made possible the expansion which has taken place; the Gazette has changed successively from its five column page to six columns and seven and the length of the columns has been greatly increased. There has been an increase of virtually a hundred per cent in the sue of the paper. All large type, however, has been set by hand.
To provide for future development and to meet the requirements of good service to readers and advertisers, a larger and more versatile linotype was installed last week and receives its dedication in this issue. This new machine has three main magazines and an auxiliary magazine available to the operator, giving him a choice of seven type faces, varying in size from 7 point, the type in which this is set, to 24 point in which the headlines are set. An additional magazine, available in 30 seconds, increases the number of faces to eight.
Most advertising matter is within the range of this machine, with the result that more attractive display and much greater capacity is made possible. The improvement in the appearance of the paper and in service to advertisers brings the Gazette in line with the best equipped and most modern newspapers.
A larger volume of news can be accommodated in the same space because of the greater compactness of the new body type. This will make feasible an increasingly intensive covering of Island activities.
With two linotype machines it will be possible to handle seasonal increases in news and advertising volume with greater ease and speed. Mechanical limitations, will, to a large extent, be removed.
The new machine is a Model 14 Linotype, manufactured by the Mergenthaler Linotype Co. It embodies all the most recent improvements in typesetting machinery and is a material advance over the machines of even six years ago. The particular model was chosen for its adaptability to the needs of the Gazette.
The type face adopted for these pages combines to a greater degree the qualities of legibility and good appearance, without occupying too much space. Similarly, the types used for headlines and advertising have been selected from all those offered by the linotype company as being the best for their respective purposes.
The new machine was installed by F. X. Rossiter, an expert from the Boston office of the Mergenthaler Company.