The Moving Pictures, of which we have had them two evenings a week during the winter at the Town Hall, continue to draw good houses, some three or four hundred persons being present at each entertainment.
The Moving Pictures, of which we have had them two evenings a week during the winter at the Town Hall, continue to draw good houses, some three or four hundred persons being present at each enterta
Fire turned the Edgartown Playhouse into a furious inferno Monday night, and three hours after the discovery of the blaze the large, forty-one year old building was completely devastated, despite
A newly renovated Capawock theatre in Vineyard Haven is quickly taking shape, and on Monday afternoon, the front doors were wide open and the occasional visitor wandered in. An opening gala is set for May 29. It's the same story at the Strand in Oak Bluffs, with an opening planned for June 19.
Saturday night marks the official public opening of the Strand, the culmination of months of hard work and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations. On Friday night, an invitation-only event was a chance to celebrate the opening of an old Vineyard institution with supporters.
Earlier this spring the Strand and Capawock theatres opened their doors for a second season as part of the Martha's Vineyard Theatre Foundation. The foundation hopes to build off last summer’s success which saw nearly 25,000 people attend screenings at both theatres.