Survivors of the British steamer which was beached after colliding with a seagoing tug in the Sound Saturday morning, were taken into Vineyard Haven. There were 53 men, including Captain Stafford. Many of the men were destitute of clothing and in many instances wore only shoes and trousers. The villagers had been notified of the coming of the survivors, and a committee, headed by Frank L. Eddy, manager of the telephone company, got together a large quantity of clothing, money, tobacco, food, fruit, etc., with which to welcome the ship-wrecked crew.
Business people of the town who contributed were: C. M. Vincents, Smith, Bodfish, Swift Co., Stephen C. Luce, Koenig Brothers, A. & P. Tea Co., telephone girls, Vineyard Haven drug store employees, E. R. Tilton, H. N. Hinckley, Sheriff Walter Renear and many of the Naval Reserves.
Dinner was served by the Red Cross chapter of Vineyard Haven, which prepared hot coffee, meat and bread and butter. The men of the town provided the smokes. The Red Cross members who helped were Mrs. Stephen C. Luce, Mrs. B. C. Cromwell, Miss Myra Robinson, Mrs. Henry Daggett, Mrs. H. M. McKay, Mrs. Orlando F. Mayhew, Mrs. Frank Swift, Mrs. Dana Swift and Mrs. Macomber. Rev. and Mrs. Austin Tower gave their services in taking care of the shipwrecked crew. - V. H. Cor. Standard.