This religious encampment has become an Institution, there is nothing like it in this country, and it is greatly increasing from year to year. In accordance with the recommendation of the agent of the Grounds, in his annual report, important measures have been adopted at the business meetings. Among the things ordered were the digging of an additional well and the setting out of shade trees. The erection of a two and one half story house has just been completed, under the general supervision of the Agent. The building is in modern style, thoroughly finished and painted 24 feet by 40. On the first floor is the Agent’s room, and oil room, hall, and a large store room for baggage. Second floor, two committee rooms, and a large room for business meetings. Third story, a room 32 by 38, for storage during the year. This building presents an imposing appearance among the leafless trees and uncovered frames of tents. An avenue 40 feet wide and clear of obstruction will be opened in the spring in the rear of the first circle of tents, encompassing the whole ground. About one thousand dollars will be expended in improvements this year. The whole encampment will embrace from 15 to 20 acres. The annual meeting is usually held in the month of August and is becoming a great centre of attraction for the devout purposes for which it is held. No reasonable pains will be spared to make the preparations and fixtures of the ground convenient and inviting. A history of this encampment has been published by the Rev. H. Vincent, of Edgartown, and may be found at the Methodist depository, No 5 Cornhill, Boston. - [New Bedford Standard.

From the August 19, 1859 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
[Correspondence of the Gazette.]
Mr. Editor, - Successive days in the progress of our Camp-meeting, develop a growing interest in its various exercises. The place continues to excite the admiration of all who come. Its natural adaptedness has long been confessed. The artificial improvements of the present year are so manifest, and so highly promotive of comfort, as to call forth astonishment as well as a concession of gratification from even the most familiar friends. The changes made were never so striking in any one year. The beautiful park in the Southern part of the grounds is a perfect charm. Now that this and the broad avenue all around the circle are prepared and enjoyed, we should hardly know how to do without them. Other smaller avenues, in their measure, contribute to the same convenience. And then the way the lots have been taken up and tasteful and convenient tents erected on these public thoroughfares, - making this whole place present the appearance of a well settled town, - seems so incredible, that one would almost suspect himself of being in a condition of sleeping and dreaming, rather than in that of taking a waking view.
The weather has been very favorable, with the single exception of the inconvenience of dust during several of the first days. The refreshing rain of Saturday, however, removed this temporary annoyance, and the serene state of the atmosphere which followed was most cheering and invigorating.
The sermons have all been good, many of them of the first class. None, however, exceeded, if any equalled, that delivered on Sabbath forenoon, by the excellent pastor of the Methodist church in Edgartown, the Rev. L. D. Davis. The divinity of Christ’s mission into this world, and the claims of God upon the services of his creature man, were most ably and eloquently argued. The assembled multitude hung spell-bound upon the words of the preacher, in whose voice there is a power capable of filling all parts of the area. Mr. Davis is a new man among us, having recently been transferred from the Oneida Conference, where he has spent the four preceding consecutive years in the city of Utica. May his coming among us prove a great blessing booth to himself and to us. Rev. John B. Gould, and Rev. Andrew McKeown, both now of Fall River, occupied the afternoon and evening, on Sabbath, in earnest, and, we trust, it may prove, successful efforts to persuade men to be reconciled to God. About 12,000 people were in and about the grounds during the day. Others who have preached during the meeting, are Dr. Parks, from the State of New York, who very truly pronounces this the greatest Camp-meeting in the world, Rev. William McDonald of Providence, Rev. S. W. Coggeshall of Taunton, Rev. F. Upham of Norwich, Ct., J. M. Chapman of Providence, and Gilbert Haven of Cambridge. Besides these who preached from the stand, several ministers addressed the people in some of the large tents, on the day of rain.
By the improvements in the grounds before alluded to, the making of a new well, and other ordinary preparations, together with the new building for purposes of business and the storage of goods, - for the executing of all which the Agent of the meeting and the Finance Committee are entitled to many thanks and great praise - a large bill of expense has been incurred, amounting in all to about $1600. The taxes on tents and other sources of revenue will bring this sum down to about $1,000. By two successful efforts, conducted mainly by Rev. C. H. Titus and Rev. H. S. White, in the public congregation, and by opening subscription lists, some $700 or more was readily raised.