The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society have purchased some three acres of land in West Tisbury, of Mrs. Hannah Look, and the Society will shortly erect a building thereon.

From the May 27, 1859 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Mr. Editor, - I send you herewith a report of our Trustees’ meeting, held at West Tisbury on Wednesday last, the 18th inst.
We had a very full and prompt attendance and quite a spirited meeting. The President was in the Chair, and all the Trustees were present. Mr. R. W. Crocker, as Chairman of the building committee, submitted their report: The committee had attended to their duty; they had written to other Societies and got all the information they could with regard to the character and expense of other Agricultural Halls; and had finally, after consultation and advice, employed Mr. J. T. James, of Holmes’ Hole, to prepare a detailed plan and drawings for a building suitable for the Exhibitions and Fairs of the Society. This plan was fully discussed and considered in all the questions of size, finish, style, expense, &c.
The President thought it was none too large, and was strongly in favor of accepting the plans, so far as they related to the extent of the building. He said we should consider the probable future requirements of the Society as well as its immediate necessities, and alluded to the old motto of “penny wise and pound foolish.” He thought it most necessary to erect a building in which to hold our Fairs, and, if we had one at all, it should be such a one as would answer all the purposes for which it was intended.
Mr. Herman Vincent feared the amount required for the building was too large for our means. He had no objection to the plan or extent of the building otherwise.
After further general discussion, it was voted to accept the plans of the architect, so far as the size and general arrangement of the building was concerned.
Mr. John D. Rotch thought we had better curtail the proposed expenses in the finishing, instead of the size of the building.
Mr. James Look thought it was as important and desirable to have the building finished, according to the proposed plans, as to have the building at all.
The President being obliged to leave, Vice President Herman Vincent took the Chair, and after some further general discussion, the meeting adjourned to 1 o’clock, P.M.
In the late afternoon, Mr. Thaxter resumed the Chair, and the subject was renewed.
Mr. Whiting said, that as the building in itself seemed to give general satisfaction, and as but little econoy could be effected in omitting parts of the plan or finish, while the general character and convenience of the building would be materially changed, he would submit the motion that the plans of the architect be accepted to the full extent of his specifications. The vote was put by the President and unanimously carried.
The President suggested that a committee be chosen to nominate a building committee, to make the necessary contracts, superintend the erection of the building, &c. The President was requested to appoint this committee, and chose - Capt. Allen Tilton of Chilmark; Mr. John D. Rotch of Tisbury; Mr. Tarleton C. Luce of Edgartown. After retiring for consultation, they returned the following nominations: Leavitt Thaxter, Henry L. Whiting, Moses C. Vincent.
Mr. Thaxter asked to be excused from serving on this committee; his distant residence from the place, and other circumstances, would make it objectionable; he could not give the matter sufficing attention, &c. Mr. Whiting also objected to his appointment. Mr. John D. Rotch and Capt. Henry Cleaveland, were nominated to fill the committee - and all were unanimously elected.
Mr. Rotch then moved that the President and Secretary be appointed an advisory committee, which was agreed to, and the building committee now stands: Moses C. Vincent, John D. Rotch, Henry Cleaveland, Leavitt Thaxter, Henry L. Whiting.
Mr. Herman Vincent moved, that the building committee locate the site of the building - which was adopted.
The Trustees then adjourned to look at the grounds, and it was agreed to throw out about five yards of the front grounds to make the road wider and parallel with the opposite side.
After returning to their room, the Trustees further discussed the subject of the payments necessary for the building, &c., and other business arrangements.
Mr. Vincent moved, that the President be authorized to hire money for the balance due on the land purchased, which was carried by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Whiting moved, that the building committee be authorized to contract for the building on such terms as they should consider for the best interests of the Society, - which was adopted.
It was further voted, that an advertisement be published in the next issue of the Vineyard Gazette, that sealed proposals to build an Agricultural Hall would be received by the committee up the 1st day of June next.
Before adjourning, a meeting was appointed for the 1st of July next, at 9 1-2 o’clock, A.M., at the Academy in West Tisbury.
This is the last day on which notice is to be given to the Board of Trustees of intention to compete for the Society’s premiums in the class of field crops, trees, farm improvements, &c. This meeting will afford an opportunity for many to give this notice. Arrangements will be made for such committees to commence their duties of inspection, &c., as may be required.
The building which it is proposed to erect, will be well suited to the requirements of the Society and built with special reference to the Exhibitions and Fairs; it will be quite large and conveniently arranged. The lower story is to extend beyond the main building eight feet on all sides, in the style of an enclosed veranda. This gives a large room on the ground floor, without the expense or heavy appearance of a very large building. The projections and exterior furnish are simple, but quite sufficient, and in good taste. The main exhibition room on the ground floor, will be left entirely rough; the committee rooms, ticket office and stair-way, will be plastered, and the hall on the second floor also plastered. The size of the building on the ground, will be seventy-six feet by forty-nine feet - the second story sixty by thirty-three feet; eight feet of the front of each story is occupied by committee rooms and stairway. The contract for the building will require it to be finished entirely by the 1st day of October next.
We have, therefore, the prospect of a handsome, new, and commodious building, in which to hold our next Exhibition and Fair, and the many which may follow it. It behooves us all to see it that it is well filled with the good things of our own producing. Our Agricultural Hall will compare favorably with that of any County Society, and we must not be behindhand in our exhibitions and productions.
Very truly yours,
Henry L. Whiting
Secretary M. V. Ag’l Society.

From the August 27, 1859 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
The Agricultural Hall, in West Tisbury, will be finished in a week or two, as we learn from parties who have recently seen it.