The Land and Wharf Company here given their grounds the unique and taking name of “Oak Bluffs,” upon which they offer a thousand lots for sale. The have now completed the most substantial and convenient wharf that could have been erected in this vicinity, within forty rods of the Camp-ground proper.
From the January 24, 1868 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Oak Bluffs
The proprietors of the Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company will extend their wharf eighty feet further into the Vineyard Sound. Work will be commenced as soon as the weatehr is suitable, and it will probably be finished prior to the annual camp meeting in August. The wharf built last summer has stood the test of the severe storms during the winter, and has received no injury. When the contemplated addition is completed it will be one of the strongest and most substantial wooden wharves in the State. We sincerely hope that the gentlemen who compose this company will reap pecuniary reward fully commensurate with the degree of energy and go aheaditiveness displayed by them in this undertaking.

From the May 1, 1868 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Oak Bluffs
The members of the “Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company” met at the Parker House, New Bedford, on Wednesday of last week, at 7 o’clock P.M., and accepted the charter of incorporation granted by the State Legislature of 1868, and organized under its provisions by making choice of the following named officers: -
President - William Bradley, of Edgartown.
Treasurer - Ira Darrow, of Edgartown.
Directors - Shubael Leyman Norton, Ira Darrow, Grafton N. Collins, and William Bradley, of Edgartown; Erastus P. Carpenter, of Foxboro, and William S. Hills, of Boston.
The object of this Corporation is now well understood to be to make a delightful summer resort of their grounds - one which will be a real benefit to all concerned. The misapprehension of the intentions of this Company which at first existed in the minds of the gentlemen of the Camp Meeting Association, appears to be removed - the last named parties being satisfied that the Oak Bluffs Corporation do not intend to do anything that will conflict in any way with the religious interests of the Camp Meeting Association.
Improvements are being made in various ways. The wharf, already one of the strongest of the kind in the State, will be extended eighty feet further into the Sound, so that steamers may effect a landing with perfect safety at any time when a landing can be made at any other point. Quite a number of new cottages are to be built the present year.
We opine that the fame of Oak Bluffs will rapidly spread, and that pleasure-seekers will here find a most desirable summer retreat in the most moral and physically healthy locality along the whole range of sea-coast of the United State.