We call attention to the interesting letter from the Harford Times, which we print to-day. This enterprising Company have already had a further survey of their grounds, and laid out a large number of new lots for cottages. The Company supposed they had enough lots staked out to supply the market for several years, but the demand has been so great, a new supply needed.

The “Oak Grove” Town - The “City of the Sea” at Martha’s Vineyard - What is It
Correspondence of the Hartford Times.
Martha’s Vineyard Camp Ground
September 6th, 1868
Your readers have become familiar with this locality, and the exercises of last week, from other correspondents. There are, however, many little details the outside world may be interested in knowing. It is a charming spot - a little city in the woods, and on the seashore at that - and all the houses are bright little painted boxes of fairy-looking cottages.
Our Hartford fishing parties were the first to awaken an interest in this place in your locality, - one of the “Pictorious” having bought a cottage here last season. This year a very large number of people from Hartford and adjoining towns have spent several weeks here. Quite a number remain here still. All express themselves delighted, and prefer the locality as a sea-side resort to any other place.
The sail of about 30 miles through Buzzard’s Bay and across the Vineyard Sound is splendid; and the entire coast does not furnish equal fishing-ground. Bluefish, bass, blackfish and “scup” are abundant within five miles of our landing. Board and fishing-tackle are always in readiness. The bathing beach is better than at any point except Newport, - the swell coming in from the east without obstruction, the entire width of the atlantic - and there is no undertow.
To get a residence here, however, you must come well endorsed. The certificate of three well-known Methodists is required to enable you to procure a lease. The “Camp Meeting Association” own the land, keep up police regulations and everything. In order to defray expenses they lease lots one year, for four or five dollars. If, however, the land is located near other cottages, a bonus of forty or fifty dollars is required in addition. The lots are 20 x 40 feet, and leases are subjected to very stringent regulations. Croquet-playing is allowed, and any amount of flirtation except during camp-meeting week. During the week a special religious service this is prohibited on “Holy” ground, though not on the “Hectic” ground. Still there is a great deal of pleasant sociability and free intercourse among the visitors.
Many of the first cottages built were plain structures, but most of those built during the last three years are perfect gems, and are carpeted and furnished equal to our best rooms at home. Among the best are those of Rev. Dr. Souddor and Wm. Boardman, Esq., of your city.
The rush for lots, however, is now on the “Hectic” grounds. This is a portion of the same grove, and adjoins the other. But it is a much better location, as it commands a sea view as far as the eye can reach, with a choice of grove or open lots. About one hundred acres have been laid out into avenues, parks, and lots. Lots about four times the size of these on the camp ground are sold (not leased) at the uniform price of $100.
Parties purchasing lots are requested to build a residence (to be used for no other purpose) within one year. No intoxicating drinks are allowed to be sold, and no gambling is allowed on the premises. You however own the lot you build upon, and are not subjected to pay an annual lease or be ejected, at the caprice of an over-fastidious committee. You can locate within three minutes’ walk of the landing, and as near the preacher’s stand on the camp ground. Stores, post office and bakery are within five minutes’ walk, as are met and fish markets. Butter, eggs, milk, and all vegetables, are brought to your door every day, and prices are much less than at home.
The board at regular boarding-houses has been very good. I have heard no complaint, except during camp-meeting week. Of course, with 15,000 people on the ground at that time, poor fares and high prices were the rule. Previous to that the price was $9 per week.

East Chop
We learn that lots are being staked out on the East Chop lands, beyond Jordon, recently purchased by the Martha’s Vineyard Camp-Meeting Association, and there is some talk of making that the headquarters of the meeting. Probably the great change will be made about the time the high board fence between Wesleyan Grove and Oak Bluffs, which has been voted three times, is built. - {N B Standard.