A railroad deal which bids to play an important part in the high life of Cottage City has just been consummated. The Cottage City street railway has been sold to gentlemen interested in the Boston & Quincy Railroad company, and Josiah Quincy is president of the syndicate. Land near Norton’s store at Eastville has been purchased for the location of a power house, 40 by 70 feet, and work will be immediately begun for a first class electrical equipment. E. G. Eldridge, who has been connected for a number of years with the Cottage City railroad, has been chosen superintendent of the new road. A franchise will be asked that the new road may run from Cottage City to Vineyard Haven.

From the November 21, 1895 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Cottage City Railway: Annual Report in Regard to Its Business
During the past year the Cottage City Street Railway company has changed hands. The new owners are Boston people, and the office of the road has been moved to this city. This fact lends additional interest to the annual report just made to the Railroad Commissioners.
There are 250 shares of capital stock, owned by 26 individuals, all residents of the state. The funded debt of $25,000 is in the first mortgage 6 per cent, gold bonds, maturing in 1915.
The number of passengers carried was 111,830; number of round trips made 4,328. and number of miles run 30,445. On an average fifteen persons were employed.
The company owns one horse and three electric box cars, and two horse and four electric open cars; two barges, one open wagon and three harnesses. The length of the line is 5.8 miles.
The officers of the company are as follows:
President - Josiah Quincy, Boston.
Treasurer - Fred. Nichols, Boston.
General Manager - John A. Duggan, Quincy.
Directors - Josiah Quincy, Boston; John R. Graham, Boston; M. H. Curley, Boston; William R. Dusser, Newton; John F. Merrill, Quincy; Fred. H. Smith, Quincy; John A. Duggan, Quincy.
The company has authority to issue $12,000 additional stock.