A large number of our most honored citizens assembled at the new mission building at Cottage City last Sabbath afternoon to join in the exercises of dedicating the new and beautiful chapel which has been erected since March 18th, under the super vision of Mr. Timothy S. Swift. The outside of the building is painted in light drab, with white trimmings. The inside of the chapel has window and door casings of natural wood, with sheathing of cherry, capped with imitation of black walnut. The painting has been done by Appleby and Francis. The walls are eleven feet in height. and the windows fitted with weights, obviating all difficulty of ventilation. The building is plastered throughout with King Windsor cement. The mason work was done by Walter T. Peirce & Co., and the stone work in cellar and foundation by Frank Silva, J.Menage and J. Madera. The walls are decorated with large pictures, illustrative of scripture truth.
The exercises of the day, presided over by Mrs. S. C. Bradley, were introduced by songs and recitations by the school, including a solo by Lizzie Frances and a duet by Mamie Mettel and Julia Silva.
Rev. R. E Schuh gave a scripture reading, taking a portion of the prayer of King Solomon at the dedication of the temple. Rev. Geo. Fuller, the new Baptist minister, offered the prayer of dedication. A dedicatory hymn was sung by the congregation, copies having been distributed throughout the audience. Dea. S. L. Norton gave a short address, emphasizing the importance of the work already done. Mr. S. T. Meara followed with a few earnest remarks, expressing his surprise at the manifestation of what had been accomplished and his appreciation of its value to the community. The exercises were interspersed throughout entertainingly with solo and chorus selections appropriate for the occasion. Mr. Manuel Frances sang with fine expression the piece “Only remembered by what I have done;” and also sang, by request, ‘Have you sought ?” Mr. H. Nelson Luce sang “Rose of Sharon.” Miss A.S. Frances presided at the organ.
The following form of Dedication to Divine Worship and Human Service was read by the Superintendent, Mrs. S. C. Bradley:
We dedicate this chapel to the worship of god, whose worship is best performed by acts calculated to develop the highest Christian character. We dedicate it to the study of tho gospel of Jesus Christ and all truth, intellectual, moral and religious. We dedicate it to the service of our fellow men, to the upbuilding of personal character, and the practice of Christian virtue, Here may we worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Here may our prayer and aspiration find the answer of forgiving peace and perfect trust. Here may we gain strength for trial and temptation, and rest in our trouble and sorrow. Here may our children be taught the way of Virtue and Piety, and grow up in the strength and beauty of Christian character. May we meet together in common brotherhood, learn to love one another, to bear one another’s burden and to do good onto all. And may the blessing of God crown and sanctify this house, for the building of which loving hearts and kind hands have so generously contributed. May it be for us the house of God and the gate of heaven. 
Rev. W. Cleveland Hicks and Mr. W.M. Swift of Vineyard Haven, also Mr. J. Linwood Pratt, of the school board sent regrets at not being able to accept an invitation to take part in the service.
The sum of $30 was contributed by individuals, eighteen of it being in the form of annual pledges of one dollar each. The announcement was made that public services will be held at this chapel  on Wednesday evenings and on Sabbath afternoons at 8 o’clock.