On Thursday, Sept. 3, a special message was received at Oak Bias, announcing that Susan Clapp Bradley had passed away at her late residence, 82 Green street, Brockton, Mass. Mrs. Bradley was well known in Oak Bluffs (Cottage City) as an earnest, active christian worker, one who had the interests of the people as well as the community at heart. Mrs. Bradley was born at Stoughton, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of the late Benjamin Clapp and Ruth (Drake) Clapp and was a direct descendant of Roger Clapp, who came from England in 1632, and settled in Dorchester. Her father was one of the strong, able men of that section, and the old homestead, still standing, has been there for over one hundred and fifty years, and is typical of the houses of that period. Her girlhood was spent in the old town of Stoughton, and her education was more than that which was within the reach of the majority of girls of her time. She was one of six children, of whom but two survived, James B. Clapp, now of Sharon and Mrs. Ruth Clapp Gurney of 82 Green street, Brockton. The deceased brothers and sisters are B. II. Clapp, Samuel Clapp and Mrs. Mary Clapp Monk (late mother of Mrs. Marriette Holland of Commonwealth and of this town.) As a young lady Mrs. Bradley went to North Bridgewater with her sister Ruth and together they established a private school at Brockton Heights. This school was recognized as an excellent one, and its fame was spread abroad the district. Men who afterwards took a prominent part in the affairs of North Bridgewater and Brockton were among her pupils, the late ex-mayor, Albert R. Wade, of Brockton, was one of them. When the war of the rebellion had freed the unfortunate bondmen in the South, and sympathetic people all over the North were lending heed to the cry of these for succor, particularly for education, Mrs. Bradley (then Miss Clapp) was convinced that it was her duty to go to them as a teacher, against the wishes of her relatives and friends. She went to North Carolina, assisting in the establishment of a school in the "black belt" and remained there for several years. It was in that time when the feeling in the South was intense and her work among the negroes had cut her off entirely from the people of her own race in the South to which she journeyed as a trained representative of the American Missionary Association. Still her love for the people and for "Him whom she served" was deepened day by day, and in spite of rough and mean treatment which entailed the work she never grew weary in well doing. After returning from the South Miss Clapp came to Massachusetts to continue her home missionary work. She labored in Boston for some time and from thence she came to Cottage City (now Oak Bluffs) where she labored faithfully for more than ten years. ' It was during this time that she became the wife of Stephen H. Bradley, whom she survived.
She founded the Oakland Mission, (of which Rev. 0. E. Denniston is now in charge) in 1890 and worked faithfully among the colored people and Portuguese and the poor and unfortunate of the town. Mrs. Bradley also labored earnestly for the temperance cause, in the work of the W. C. T. U. as well as in the prohibition league. All who knew her know that she was a faithful missionary for the cause of righteousness. No one in Dukes county fought old "King Alcohol" more severely than Susan Clapp Bradley. Someone remarked recently, "When Susan Bradley went out of Cottage City, the saloon got rid of an enemy and gradually went up." She was one of the most unselfish characters that labored in the cause of Christ. In a word, like her Master, she went about doing good. She gave her life in serving others. Some months ago on her mission to visit a home in Brockton where sin, shame and poverty had entered, she contracted a severe cold, consumption developed and led to her death. She died in the seventy-sixth sear of her age. The funeral services were held at her late residence Saturday afternoon, September 5th, at 2 o'clock. Rev. Ira E. David, Ph.D., pastor of the Olivet Memorial church, Brockton, officiated; Revs. Henry E. Jones and O. E. Denniston assisted. Interment was at the Union Cemetery, Brockton. A memorial service was also held in the Oakland mission, Oak Bluffs, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 9th, when many friends of the deceased and well wishers of the mission gathered in loving memory of the woman who gave her life as a home missionary.
"She hath done what she could," she is not gone from memory, she is not gone from love; but she is gone to her Father's home above. Still, her spirit unites with those who labor in the fields she in "springtime" had sown.
Only the truth that in life she had spoken, Only the seed that on earth she had sown, these shall pass onward when she is forgotten.
Fruits of the harvest and what she had done.
May that spirit of love and unselfish devotion that framed the life of the lamented founder of the Oakland Mission, continually abide with the writer of this tribute and with those who labor in the cause of her Lord.
O. E. D.