The new steamer, which has been building at Wilmington, Del., for the N. B., M. V. & N. Steamboat Co., was launched yesterday afternoon and named “Uncatena.” Mrs. C. G. Whiton, wife of the agent and treasurer of the line, christened the new boat. It is understood the name is a compromise between the advocates in the directorate of the names Mattakessett and Nobska. The new steamer’s name is selected in honor of the island of Uncatena, one of the Elizabeth group. The island lies at the northeasterly end of the chain of islands, and together with Naushon and Nonamesset, forms the shore of Hadley’s Harbor, one of the most attractive bits of natural scenery on the whole route. It is expected that the Uncatena will be completed and delivered to the owners about Oct. 1st, and she will probably be placed in commission on the route immediately on her arrival in these waters.
The new boat is a steel hull side wheel steamer of the following dimensions: Length over all 187 feet, beam of hull 31 feet, beam of guards 54, depth of hold 12 feet. She will be fitted with four water tight compartments to answer the requirements of the U. S. steamboat laws for ocean service. There will be steam steering gear, electric lights and search light, modern open plumbing throughout, and all possible conveniences for the service she is intended to run.