Steamer Islander, built by the Bath, (Me.) Iron Works, Ltd., for the New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Co., was launched Wednesday afternoon of last week, at about 5 o'clock.

She bears the distinction of having been built in the shortest time on record at this plant for her size. Although the contract was signed Oct. 2, 1922, the last hull steel dud not arrive until March 8, and it was 16 days later before the first hull rivet was driven. The steamer measures 210 feet over all, 35 feet moulded beam and 50 feet beam over guards, while she will draw 14.3 feet, and will have a speed of 14 knots. She will have a freight capacity of 100 tons and will accommodate 2,000 passengers.

The power will be furnished by a four-cycle triple expansion engine, capable of 1,200 horse power, and two Babcock & Wlciox water tube boilers will furnish the steam, coal being used under them, and will be propelled by a single screw. The hull is steel, with five water-tight bulkheads. There is an enclosed, rain deck for freight, with lobby and lunch room near the stern. The saloon deck is also enclosed, and there are 15 staterooms on this deck. There is also a large hurricane deck, where are located the six steel lifeboats and six large life rafts. The pilot house tops this forward deck and is of wood.

A powerful searchlight surmounts the pilot house. On the freight deck the steamer has been equipped with large doors so that all sizes of automobiles may go aboard, there being room for 26 machines forward. The Islander is believed to be as nearly fireproof as possible, as she is all steel with the exception of the two upper decks. She will carry a complement of five officers and ten men.

A dinner was tendered at noon, by ex-Governor William T. Cobb president of the Bath Iron Works and other officials to these guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wall, New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hass, J. P. Bengin, W. A. Smith, J. E. Denson, A. H. Seaver, T. F. Kitchen and F. H. Hefferman of Newpory, RI.