The process of moving the plant of the Vineyard Gazette to the new office began on Friday, immediately after the issue of last week had come from the press. Only one piece of equipment was moved, the big Duplex press, and the operation of taking it apart, moving the pieces, and setting it up again occupied all working hours until Tuesday. The press was tested on Wednesday, and performed well in its new surroundings.

The moving of other machinery will begin this afternoon, but the plant will not be entirely transplanted for a week or two more.

F. E. Briegel of the Duplex Printing Press Co. came from the factory at Battle Creek, Mich., to superintend the moving. Mr. Briegel was here ten years ago to erect the press upon its first arrival on the Vineyard. Assisting Mr. Briegel in the operations were Antone Silva Jr. and Albert Prada, Everett M. Gale, Gazette pressman, and Douglas Brown of the Gazette staff.

Convenient handling of the big pieces was made possible through the cooperation of Ludwig Knorr of Knorr and Adams. Mr. Knorr came to the fore with the Nash garage wrecking truck, and through use of the wrecker the heavy castings, frames and gears were taken to the new office swinging in mid-air.

Mr. Briegel paid a high compliment to the Islanders for their skillful handling of the job. The press was dismantled and set up again in something like record time. He was also enthusiastic about the new office, pronouncing it the best small newspaper plant he had ever seen.

This issue of the Gazette was prepared as usual in the old office, the page forms being taken to the new office for printing.