The process of moving the plant of the Vineyard Gazette to the new office began on Friday, immediately after the issue of last week had come from the press. Only one piece of equipment was moved, the big Duplex press, and the operation of taking it apart, moving the pieces, and setting it up again occupied all working hours until Tuesday. The press was tested on Wednesday, and performed well in its new surroundings.

The moving of other machinery will begin this afternoon, but the plant will not be entirely transplanted for a week or two more.


Purchase of the former Isaiah Mills house at the corner of Davis Lane and South Summer street, Edgartown, by the Vineyard Gazette was completed yesterday. Plans for use of the property are still in a formative stage, but it will be occupied by the Vineyard Gazette as an office some time this fall. The premises are separated by one house from the present Gazette office, owned by Philip S. Pent, which has been occupied for seventeen years.


The Gazette announces this week the opening of a Vineyard Haven office.
For a great many years this newspaper has carried under the heading on its front page these words: “Devoted to the interests of the six towns on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.”
In short the Gazette has always been an island newspaper, devoted to the interests of Martha’s Vineyard. Now this purpose may be made more real through active representation in Vineyard Haven.


The Gazette Office has been removed to the new building on Main street, situated on the premises lately owned by Hon. I. N. Luce, and adjoining those of Hon. John Vinson.


The Gazette Office has been removed to the Room over the store occupied by J. F. & W. Sayer.