This favorite steamer, as will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, is to be sold at auction. The Naushon is an excellent boat - safe, expeditions, comfortable; is under the charge of a faithful, experienced commander; and in running between this port and New Bedford, has conferred great facilities on the traveling public, and saved in time, which is money (though many cannot understand this position), thousands of dollars to our citizens; - and by bringing an influx of strangers to our shores, tended, not only to enrich, but make our town more widely and favorable known than heretofore. But this is all of no moment, the boat must be sold.
The Naushon has been on the route about two years, - the first of which, owing to being entirely mew, and needing many little alterations, fixtures, &c., she sank money, some $3000 perhaps; during the last, however, she paid her way, notwithstanding she was off the route for a couple of weeks, in the height of the traveling season, in consequence of the breaking of a shaft. Had it not been for this accident and the necessary detention, the N. would have cleared money this season. Notwithstanding all this, she is offered for sale!
And here, with all due deference, we must give it as our opinion, that the boat has been suffered to leave too early an hour in the morning, especially on Saturday. Individuals residing in West Tisbury and Chilmark, have not been able to make the boat at Holmes Hole, without making unusual exertions, and sometimes starting from home before it was fairly day-light! In this way, as we are credibly informed, a great amount of money – probably $2000 – has been lost to the boat this season! - The steamer Massachusetts, which has arrived at Holmes Hole an hour or two after the Naushon’s departure, has pocketed this two thousand dollars, very much of which has been paid by actual owners in our boat! But, notwithstanding this great and unlooked for drawback, (we had almost said unjustifiable one,) the Naushon has done well, and the receipts from Edgartown have increased largely over last year. It is, therefore, not too much to say, that, had she not met with the accident above alluded to, and had she left our harbor at a later hour, she would have cleared as much money the present, as she lost the last season. Still, the boat must be sold!
In view of these facts, and many others which might be named, it seems to us, that the stockholders are pursuing a suicidal course in offering the boat at auction, especially at a season of the year when most boats are withdrawn from their routers, and steamers are not in demand. At the most, she will not bring more than seventy-five per cent on her cost, and very likely not more than fifty. One half of her value may thus be at once lost, and the owners have to pay her debts out of the fifty per cent which they receive from her sale! How much money will there be left, Messrs. Stockholders, at this rate, after her affairs are wound up? ...Are you prepared, we have asked some of the owners, to set fire to and burn your beautiful steamer? The answer has been, No. We are prepared for no such thing. But, gentlemen, you are prepared to do what is almost as bad. You may as well do the thing handsomely; make a fine illumination, and send your property to destruction at once, amid the firing of cannon, the beating of drums, the ascension of rockets, and the shouts of an enthusiastic crowd, and have the satisfaction of it, as to throw, or give, 75 cents of her away, in the manner you propose. Must the boat be sold?
The running, or starting, of a steamboat, is something like the starting of a newspaper; - they are both equally expensive, and much money most be lost before any can be won. It is a well-established fact, that no daily paper can be successful, in any great city, without an actual loss to the proprietor, during the first on or two years of its existence, of from $10,000 to $15,000; and he who has not this amount of money to lose in the outset, cannot hope to meet the final success in the business: the paper must either die on his hands, or pass into the hands of others. Hence, those who engage to printing or steamboating, should be prepared for, and expect, this almost inevitable result – the sinking of money at first.
The proprietors of the old steamer Telegraph were well informed on this point, and all discouragements were finally overcome. For seven years she paid not on farthing to her owners; on the contrary, she sank a great deal of money in that time, - but after that period she paid fair dividends. Did the stockholders offer her for sale during all that seven years? - Not they. They were men of “sterner stuff.” The idea was never for a moment entertained, and had a dividend to this day, not been declared, the Nantucket boat would have made her customary trips. No one can doubt this, who knows the enterprise and liberality of the citizens of that “sea-girt isle.” Her people know full well the vast advantages to be derived from a direct and certain communication with the Main, and will not sacrifice them for a few paltry dollars.
In conclusion, we give it as our opinion, that there is not the slightest doubt, but that the Naushon will become as productive property, if continued on the route, as can be found in this region. If sold, she should be purchased by some of our townsmen. She will go cheap; and those who buy her, will make money, confer a lasting benefit on all the people of the Island, and receive the thanks of all the well wishers of our town. A word to the wise (not the un-wise) is sufficient.