Hereditary Deafness

A Visit to the Vineyard

Mr. Editor: - Your readers are frequently interested and edified by communications from Western and Southern cities, and occasionally from a native of our own city who for some time resided in the south-eastern part of this Island; But I do not remember of their ever being favored by one from that pleasant, social portion of this “Sea girt Isle,” incorporated “Tisbury,” but more familiarly known to the seafaring class of community as “Holmes’ Hole.”

Intermarriage of Blood Relations

It was the Rev. Charles Brooks, of Boston, who said at the late Scientific Association, in Providence, that there was hardly a living descendant of Martha’s Vineyard who could write consecutively a page of good sense! Mr. Brooks, it would seem by the papers, made himself quite merry over the supposed misfortunes of our people. He stated that but few strangers could be persuaded to settle here! And the following is given as one of his periods, when trying to prove us of the Vineyard of lilliputian intellect: -
