William Delahunt, a passionate voice for the Vineyard who served in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Massachusetts’s 10th congressional district from 1997 to 2011, died on March 30.
The Slough Farm Foundation is sponsoring a new child care subsidy for middle-income families on Martha’s Vineyard. The new program is working in conjunction with Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.
Kate Warner is scared. The rate at which climate change is occurring terrifies her, and as energy planner for the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC), she is trying to get Vineyarders to act.
Island native Frederick Hehre is Tisbury’s new assistant health agent, replacing Drew Belsky, who was promoted to health agent when Maura Valley retired last year.
Avangrid, Ocean Winds, Orsted and Vineyard Offshore all submitted plans Wednesday for farms in the 800,000 square-acre area off the Vineyard. Together, the proposals amount to more than 5,000 megawatts of power.
The Oak Bluffs planning board Thursday signed off on a petition to change the name of Beach Road Extension to Anchor Way after residents explained years of Google Maps mix-ups.
Alicia Knight will head to Finland this fall to study inquiry-based learning, an educational method that encourages students' curiosity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Two evening planets are visible in the southwestern sky this coming week. We've been watching Jupiter through the winter and now in the early evening, the planet is low in the southwestern sky.
Look underneath Jupiter and to your right for the planet Mercury. Mercury is now visible only for a short time after sunset amid the light of twilight. Mercury is not as bright as Jupiter, but you use Jupiter to find it.
Don't wait too late in the evening. Mercury sets pretty quickly. A pair of binoculars will help immensely.
The town, in partnership with the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center, will create a larger underground basin to allow better water flow out to the sea. Work could start later this year.
The residential exemption would lower the tax burden of West Tisbury town residents, but could result in higher bills for people who own second homes or rental properties in the town.