The boys and girls high school hockey teams had their playoff runs cut down this weekend, with the girls team losing 3-0 to Algonquin on Saturday and the boys losing 6-3 to Ashland on Sunday.
The Martha’s Vineyard boys basketball team took home a win in the second round of playoffs Saturday, beating out Lynnfield 63-47.
Maintenance work at the Island terminal is scheduled to start on Wednesday, meaning the Sankaty ferry that normally makes the first departure from the Island will be berthed in Woods Hole instead of Vineyard Haven.
On Sunday morning the last quarter moon appears nearest to Antares, the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius. For those living in the Southeastern United States and to the west, the moon will occult, pass over the star. For us, the two are just really close. The event takes place around 2 a.m. Sunday morning.
Scorpius is a constellation we associate mostly with summer. The constellation is one of the southernmost zodiac constellations. We all have memories of standing out on a summer night and looking South and seeing these stars appear right over the ocean.
The Vineyard girls and boys hockey teams were victorious in the first round of the playoffs Thursday with the girls winning a double overtime thriller 3-2 over Dedham and the boys soundly defeating Greenfield 10-0.
Why Black History Month
Were it not for slavery
There would be no
Black History Month
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Or a Malcom X
No Barack Obama
Our first Black President
And arguably, no America
As we know it
Built on sweat and tears
Of free labor
Over hundreds of years
Making a young nation
Prominent and wealthy
Beneficiaries of a servitude
Both north and south
Until slaves were freed
Only to endure Jim Crow
Discrimination and segregation
I appreciate the technical, legal and subjective arguments over managing Chappaquiddick beaches to accommodate responsible over-sand vehicle (OSV) access.
Sand scraped against the blades of our ice skates as we headed out into the middle of Squibnocket Pond.
Island veterinarian Constance Breese is closing her practice as Animal Health Care Associates fights to retain its lease at the airport.
MassDevelopment, a quasi-public agency focused on stimulating economic growth in the state, put out a request for proposals for the different parcels on the New Bedford state pier, including the spot used by the Cuttyhunk Ferry Company.