Harbor View Hotel is being Sold to Carroll and Jones

By an agreement reached recently the familiar hotel landmark on Starbuck’s Neck. Edgartown, is being sold by the Harbor View Hotel Cor­poration to the Harbor View Hotel Co. Inc.
The new corporation has two stockholders, Sen. Allan F. Jones of Hyannis, president, and Robert J. Carroll of Edgartown, vice president and treasurer. The third member of the corporation is James R. Di Gia­como of Cohasset, a Boston attorney, who is serving as clerk.

Here’s One Side of the Vietnam Discussion

At a time when the expression of differing opinion on our foreign policy is being criticized as being disloyal it seems desirable to present the point of view of the loyal opposition to our present Vietnam policy: the point of view of those who believe that this policy is not in the best interest of the United States or mankind - indeed possibly harmful to both.

20th Derby Is Called the Most Successful Yet

The curtain fell at 2 p.m. on Friday on the Island’s twentieth Consecutive fishing derby and without doubt its most successful. Up to the final hour, the fish arrived at the weighing-in station, and thus the derby ended on a high note, with sixteen bass and eleven bluefish weighed in at the final hour.

Scene at Weighing-In Station Is Sociable

The nightly scene at the weighing-in station in Oak Bluffs, is an aspect of the annual bass derby that has never been adequately described.
The derby committee has invariably selected a place for weighing-in with ample space and the weighing-in station by night is a scene with an atmosphere of sociability and good nature. In the assembly there usually may be counted fifty to a hundred persons, young and old, fishers and non-fishers, all deeply interested and enjoying the companionship and procedure.

Variety Reports on Alfred Hall’s Career

Variety, the newspaper of the show business, has found Alfred Hall and his career on the Vineyard of interest enough to justify an extensive story — part interview — by J. C. Dine. Mr. Dine’s story appeared under an Ed­gartown dateline, as of Sept. 6. Here, with only a few omissions, is what he wrote:
“The sight of Elizabeth Taylor or Bosley Crowther or James Cagney standing in line to buy tickets for a movie would be pretty unlikely anywhere, that is, but on Martha’s Vineyard.

Oak Bluffs Wharf is Kindled into Destructive Fire

A spectacular blaze, the cause of which is not definitely determined, destroyed the freight she and outer end of the Oak Bluffs steamboat wharf late Wednesday afternoon, involving a loss of property owned by Vincent’s Fish Market, on the dock property, the value of which was set at $30,000 and a loss to the Steamship Authority, covered by insurance, not yet even approximated. The fish market equipment was uninsured, according to David Vincent, the proprietor.

Uncatena Launched To Cheers, Bubbles: All Three Authority Wives Swing Bottles

Thrice blessed, the motor vessel Uncatena slid down the ways at Blout's shipyard in Warren, R.I., with the high tide on Sunday evening. After her fitting out, she will arrive at Woods Hole before long to join the rest of the Steamship Authority's fleet.

The triple blessing came during the christening ceremony, when not just the customary one bottle of champagne but three were smashed against the Uncatena's bow, each wielded by an Authority member's wife, the whole process making for an excess of bubbled and splintered glass.

School of Creative Arts to Move from Vineyard

The School of Creative Arts in Vineyard Haven, is announcing its discontinuation on Martha’s Vineyard after eight years on its present site. The school, owned and directed by Kathleen Hinni, will move to a new location at the conclusion of its summer course in late August.

In a statement composed for Miss Hinni by a member of her staff, the reasons for the move are set forth as follows:

Editorial: Centennial of a Purchase

A hundred years ago the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meet­ing Association, having decided that the time had come to assure a settled state, acquired by purchase its extensive acre­age at what is now Oak Bluffs. “The cost of the grove, rights of way etc.,” Hebron Vincent recorded, “was thirteen hundred dollars.”

New Group Would Strive to Save Island’s Beauty

Letters have gone out to a number of Vineyarders seeking support for a new organization devoted to preserving the natural splendors of the Island. The organization is a committee of the Natural Area Council Inc., and its letter is self-explanatory:
“An organization is in process of formation under the name, Friends of the Island. Its purpose is to preserve the natural beauty of Martha’s Vineyard. If it is to accomplish its goal it will need the support and cooperation of all segments of the Vineyard community.
