Gay Head

The following is a copy of the bill incorporating the new town of Gay Head.
Sect. 1. The district of Gay Head is hereby abolished, and the territory comprised therein is hereby incorporated into a town by the name of Gay Head. And said town of Gay Head is hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, rights and immunities, and subject to all the duties and requisitions to which other towns are entitled and subject by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth.

Surf at South Beach

The storm of Monday was not very severe here. The surf at South Beach however, came up higher on the Plain than it was ever known to before by some two hundred feet. Quite a number of cranberry bogs around the Great Pond were completely submerged, materially damaging the fruit.

The Great Gale

Wednesday, September 8th, will ever be memorable from the fact of the furious gale of wind which raged in this section of the country. In fact, the newspapers all agree that it was the most fearful “blow-out” old Boreas has had since the historic September gale of 1815; and they all with one accord, express the hope that our land may never again be visited with such another powerful manifestation of strength and fury of the elements.

Weathering the Storm at Railway Wharf

STEAMER MONOHANSETT, Railway Wharf, Holmes’ Hole,
Sept. 8th, 1869, 7:20 P.M.

The Illumination

The readers of the Gazette will please bear with us this week for the lack of extended news of local affairs. We are publishing the Camp Meeting Herald, daily and it occupies so much of time and labor that we are unable to pay that degree of attention to the Gazette as is our custom. We reproduce a number of articles from the Herald, which are well worth reading.

“Camp” and “Bluff” Items

Monday afternoon the first wedding that ever took place here was duly soleumnized at the stand, between Mr. Adin B. Capron and Miss Irene Ballou, of Woonsocket, R.I. The ceremony was performed by Sirson P. Coffin, Esq., assisted by Rev. J. W. Willet, who had been first applied to, could not legally officiate in chief, not being a resident of Edgartown. The stand was beautifully decorated with flowers and flags.

Vineyard Grove Company

The Oak Bluffers will soon have to compete with the undertaking by the Vineyard Grove Company, who owns the delightful grove on the “other side of Jordon.” This association is composed of gentlemen of excellent standing, and we learn that it is their intention to conduct the affairs of the same in a manner that cannot fail to be appreciated by visitors and must prove profitable to all concerned. Lots have been sold for building purposes, and we expect to see ere many years, a thriving settlement here.

Wesleyan Grove

We commend our review of the week with some details of what we saw at Wesleyan Grove, last Saturday.
We noticed many improvements, and beheld some splendid cottages already completed or in process of construction. Those of Nathaniel Wales, Esq., and Mr. Buckminster, of New Bedford, are beauties. We think that of Mr. B’s is the tastiest cottage on the ground.

Review of the Week

The Gay Head Indians were visited last Friday by the Hon. Rodney French, chairman on the part of the House of Representatives of the Indian Committee. The chieftains of the tribe assembled in council at 10 o’clock of the day above named, and expressed their opinion on the proposed questions of enfranchisement, &c.
Mr. Zaccheus Howwaswee, expressed his opinion in favor of remaining in their present condition.

Vineyard House

This commodious hotel is now open to the public. The proprietor, Mr. Joseph Kelley, is a gentleman every way worthy of the confidence of visitors, and one who will spare no pains to make his patrons comfortable, and so well pleased as to desire to prolong their stay. We trust the “Vineyard” may be prospered under this new administration.
