Camp Winnecunnet, the Y.W.C.A. camp on West Chop road, Vineyard Haven, has been sold this week to Miss Kathleen Hinni, representing the School of Creative Arts which she has conducted in the town for the past several years. The sale, as yet uncompleted, was made through the office of Mrs. O. B. Weeks, formerly Miss Mary Nunes, of Oak Bluffs.
Eastville was the first populated area within the present town of Oak Bluffs. A map of 1781 showed thirty-two houses in the general region, most of them at Eastville. An 1850 map showed twenty-six houses at and near Eastville. The first census listing a population for the area was that of 1880, and it showed a population of 672, and by this time the settlement of Cottage City had passed Eastville.
When the Great Harbour Inn opened in Edgartown this spring, early guests and staff members had several surprises in the form of improvements in the building waiting for them, improvements not discernible from the outside since Richard L. Colter, the owner of the inn, was careful not to disturb the appearance of the 200 year old building.
The Vineyard said YES.
The regional school agreement was adopted by a sweeping vote in all six Island towns at the special town meetings held Tuesday evening. Here are the figures:
Yes No
Chilmark...........76 4
Edgartown.......309 73
Gay Head...........32 1
Oak Bluffs.......213 96
Tisbury............327 208
West Tisbury......93 16
Total........... 1050 398
The driveways and barns and garages, the stairways and trees of the Whitney estate at West Chop have, for the past several years, been the scene of a new type of activity. A special project has been underway under the direction of Miss Kathleen Hinni of the Summer School of Creative Arts, and young people have been learning to grow through the arts.
Members of Bradley Memorial Church, Oak Blufs, are greatly distressed over the report which has circulated to the effect that their church building has been condemned as unsafe. Mrs. Mabel Hughes, one of the extremely active members of the church, approached the Gazette this week with the request that this might be publicly denied. Mrs. Hughes was furnished with official statement signed by all three members of the board of selectmen of Oak Bluffs, .which stated that the building has not been condemned for this or any other reason.