New Year Moon

Late-night revelers will be out on New Year’s Eve celebrating under a Last Quarter Moon. The moon rises in the eastern sky, less than an hour after the arrival of the New Year. The moon is in the zodiacal constellation Leo, a constellation most often associated with spring and summer.

The Vineyard Gardener


I like rain and don’t even mind the cold, but this hardened snow/ice/treacherous footing is totally irritating. Never being one to stay indoors, I still attempt to do outside activities. I have been using a pitchfork to keep myself upright while tending to my chores. I trudged to my pigs carrying a five-gallon bucket of hot water to melt the ice in their water trough. They took one sip and promptly spilled it. I resorted to name-calling.


Bohemian Waxwing

Hippie, beatnik, bohemian are all words that have been used to describe someone who is different than the norm. Other definitions of the adjective bohemian are wanderer or vagabond. And that is exactly what is occurring in Massachusetts with a particular bird which was given a perfect name: bohemian waxwing.


Living Lichen Art

Two plants that merge into one, growing together to the benefit of each other. Sounds strange, but lichens are unique combinations of fungi and algae growing together, yet they are distinct from either of their components. They are abundant in nature, occurring just about everywhere: silvery gray flat patches growing on tree trunks, rocks, roofs and other flat surfaces. Well, most of the time that is what they are.


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

Dec. 21 38 32 Trace

Dec. 22 38 34 .00

Dec. 23 45 33 .00

Dec. 24 55 33 .75

Dec. 25 45 34 .00

Dec. 26 43 23 .00

Dec. 27 40 26 .08

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 43º F.

Geraldine Brooks

Take an Inside Look at People of the Book

People of the Book is the new novel from Vineyard Haven author Geraldine Brooks — her first since March won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. It hits stores on Tuesday and will be launched on Thursday with a special public reading at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center. A longtime foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, Ms. Brooks was inspired by the true story of a mysterious codex known as the Sarajevo Haggadah.

Best of 2007 Uncovered: Booksellers Reveal What Islanders Read This Year

Readers this year lost voices that long had thrived in the Island’s literary ecosystem, from the internationally acclaimed wag Art Buchwald to the perenially pot-boiling (literally — see his cookbook D’lish! for recipes) bestseller Philip Craig. Both left a rich legacy, however, with Mr. Craig’s latest (not last — another will be in stores in May 2008) mystery served up poshumously. His quahauging and crime-solving detective J.W. Jackson is back in the just-released Third Strike, another of Mr.

Come See Winter Creatures At Felix Neck Kids Progam

In the summer, birds and bees and buzzing things are easy to see. They are out and about at the beach and on the playground. But come winter, the Vineyard animals are harder to spot. Beginning in January, the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary will, for the first time, offer its popular Creature Feature program for young naturalists in the winter months.

In With the New, Out With the Old? Year’s Events Test Vineyard Values

There is probably no simpler illustration of the dominant news themes of Martha’s Vineyard, 2007, than that of the friendly Rhode Island red rooster owned by Jessica Rose Seidman, of West Tisbury.

Chickie, who Ms. Seidman hatched from an egg almost five years ago when she was 11 and then kept as a pet, had won four firsts at the annual Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Livestock Show and Fair.

Collaborative Drops Island License Plate Initiative

The Martha’s Vineyard Donors Collaborative has decided to discontinue the special Martha’s Vineyard license plate program for lack of interest.

The plate campaign started in the summer of 2006 and 500 applications were received in the first six months, the collaborative stated in a release.
