Property Tax Case Reveals IRS Probe

Property Tax Case Reveals IRS Probe

Expert Appraiser for Town Discloses Internal Revenue Service
Investigation of Herring Creek Farm Transaction


BOSTON - The expert appraiser hired by West Tisbury assessors
revealed during cross-examination this week that the federal Internal
Revenue Service is investigating the 2001 Herring Creek Farm real estate
transaction in Edgartown and an ensuing charitable tax deduction that
was based largely on his appraisal of the property.

Preservation Trust to Buy Old Sculpin Gallery

The Martha's Vineyard Preservation Trust confirmed yesterday that it will buy the Old Sculpin Gallery - the landmark building that fronts Dock street in Edgartown and was a grain mill turned boat building shop turned art gallery and education space.

The trust will pay the Martha's Vineyard Art Association $1 for the property, and in exchange the art association will receive permanent occupancy.

Christopher Scott, executive director of the preservation trust, said yesterday that he expects the deal will close sometime this fall.

Glacial Gem: Freshwater Pond Offers Glimpse of Rare World

The Nature Conservancy called it a globally rare community type.

The Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program
said it is one of the most critical habitats to protect in all of New

Many Island residents know it best as a secret late-night
skinny-dipping spot.

Risk of Forest Fire High Due to Summer Drought; Public Caution Is Urged

Against a backdrop of prolonged summer drought, the threat of wildfire in the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest is now high, and Island fire chiefs this week issued grave words of caution to the public.

State High Court Upholds Edgartown

State High Court Upholds Edgartown


In an Edgartown case which is esoteric but has application for small
towns across the commonwealth, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
has ruled that a house on an undersized lot cannot be expanded without a
special permit - even if the expansion itself conforms to the
requirements under zoning.

Tisbury Selectmen End Chief's Tenure

Tisbury Selectmen End Chief's Tenure


Citing an irreconcilable dispute over compensation, the Tisbury
selectmen quietly moved to not renew their contract with police chief
Theodore (Ted) A. Saulnier nearly two months ago.

The board informed Chief Saulnier of the decision in a letter dated
June 29, one day before his three-year contract expired.

Merchants Report August Spike in Island Tale of Two Summers

Merchants Report August Spike in Island Tale of Two Summers


Oak Bluffs harbor reports a record July, while fewer boats appear in
Edgartown. Steamship Authority passenger traffic is up a bit, while
commercial airline traffic is down a little. July generally lags the
same month last summer, while August seems to be running ahead.

A classic mixed economic bag appears to have landed on the
Vineyard's doorstep this summer.

Town Appraiser Puts High Price on Land

Town Appraiser Puts High Price on Land

West Tisbury Expert Takes the Stand in Protracted Graham Tax
Hearing; Values Property at $64.5 Million


An expert real estate appraiser hired by West Tisbury assessors last
year estimated the total value of 235 acres owned by town resident
William W. Graham at $64.5 million, significantly higher than the
town's original assessments.

Council Wants to Swim at Peaked Hill

Council Wants to Swim at Peaked Hill


The Chilmark town affairs council is proposing construction of a
municipal pool on town land at Peaked Hill, but first the council needs
approval from town selectmen for a proposed warrant article.

Fight Over Moshup Trail Sent Back to Land Court

An eight-year legal battle over property rights in Aquinnah resurfaced last week when the Massachusetts Court of Appeals reversed a 2001 state land court decision that had the potential to block the development of more than 100 acres of rare coastal heathland off Moshup Trail.

The complicated case centers on whether a group of private landowners and developers should be granted access to a vast area of landlocked lots between Moshup Trail and State Road.
