Island Teacher Challenges Eric Turkington

Island Teacher Challenges Eric Turkington


The race for Cape and Islands state representative pits an
eight-term incumbent Democrat from Falmouth against a Republican high
school Spanish teacher from the Vineyard.

Rep. Eric T. Turkington is well known throughout the district that
he has served for 16 years. James R. Powell is best known in West
Tisbury, where his ancestors reach back to the Mayhews.

"I don't think [Mr. Turkington] is doing enough for our
district. He's not hustling enough," Mr. Powell said.

SSA Raises Tariffs on Parking, Freight

Passenger and Car Fares Stay the Same But Commuters, Truckers,
Schools All Can Expect Sharp Increases

HYANNIS - Vineyard residents will shoulder the bulk of next
year's rate increases, which were unanimously approved by
Steamship Authority governors at their monthly meeting in Hyannis on

Aquinnah Election Marks Third Try for Town Budget

Aquinnah residents head to the polls next week in the latest attempt
by selectmen to override the state-mandated tax cap and ease the
town's financial crisis.

At a special town election Thursday residents will vote whether to
approve a Proposition 2 1/2 override request. The override request
- the third since the beginning of the summer - comes in
conjunction with a $103,000 supplemental budget, approved at special
town meeting in late September.

Oak Bluffs Town Official Is Ordered to Pay Fines for Violating State Laws

Oak Bluffs Town Official Is Ordered to Pay Fines for Violating State


The enforcement branch of the Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) has found that Joseph N. Alosso -
an Island official in charge of two municipal sewage treatment plants on
the Vineyard - deliberately violated more than half a dozen state
environmental regulations last year during the construction of a septic
system for his new four-bedroom house in Oak Bluffs.

Selectmen Abandon Roundabout for Blinker

Bucking the advice of traffic and planning experts, Oak Bluffs
selectmen this week voted to abandon all efforts to design and construct
a roundabout at one of the Vineyard's most dangerous

The split decision from the board - a 3-2 vote - came
just one month after selectmen reaffirmed their commitment to build a
roundabout at the heavily trafficked junction of Edgartown-Vineyard
Haven and Barnes Roads.

Affordable Housing: Reade Kontje Builds Her Own Brick by Brick

Reade Kontje's home is a work in progress. Outside the cedar
shakes are fresh; so too is the sawdust on the table by the front door.
The lawn is a mix of grass and weed. The trees have mostly been cleared
and are drying in a woodpile in back, but one old pine still stands by
the driveway. On it hangs a simple yellow sign: Reade's.

Forest Officials Pledge Hearings to Discuss Massive Cutting Plan

Forest Officials Pledge Hearings to Discuss Massive Cutting Plan


A key official with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and
Recreation said this week that the public will have its say before the
state moves ahead with any plan to clear hundreds of acres of planted
trees in the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest.

Vaccine Shortages Strike Flu Clinics

Vaccine Shortages Strike Flu Clinics

Health Officials Say Clinics Canceled as National Crisis Hits Home;
Common Sense Is Urged


Public health officials across the Vineyard confirmed this week that
all of the fall flu clinics have been canceled indefinitely while the
Island waits to see just how many vaccines it may or may not receive.

Officials said they are in constant contact with the state
Department of Public Health, and will announce vaccination updates as
soon as information is available.

Fast Ferry Sails Into Off Season

Fast Ferry Sails Into Off Season

New Bedford Service Continues Through the Winter Months; Private
Operators to Test New Vineyard Route


Heading into uncharted waters, the New England Fast Ferry company
shifted to its winter schedule this week, providing the Island's
first year-round service to New Bedford since the final run of the
Nobska on New Year's Eve, 1960.

Island School Committee Names Edward Jerome Interim Superintendent

The All-Island School Committee voted without dissent this week to hire Edgartown School principal Edward Jerome as interim superintendent of the public schools.

Recommended last week by the cabinet of Island principals and assistant principals, the 90-day appointment of Mr. Jerome was approved Wednesday by the school board. The appointment is effective tomorrow, one day after Vineyard schools superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash officially steps down.
