By Unanimous Vote, Rejection

By Unanimous Vote, Rejection

A Key Subcommittee Turns Down Southern Woodlands Plan, Citing
Detriments That Outweigh Benefits

Gazette Senior Writer

Capping months of scrappy combat with the former developers of the
Down Island Golf Club, a key subcommittee of the Martha's Vineyard
Commission voted without dissent this week to recommend that a massive
housing project in the southern woodlands be denied.

Lagoon Bridge Gets an Airing

Amid growing concern that a MassHighway plan to build a temporary
drawbridge will threaten the health of Lagoon Pond, Island residents are
calling for Oak Bluffs and Tisbury to speak with one voice when it comes
to confronting state officials about the replacement for the 68-year-old

Avoid Drinking Water Pending More Tests, Officials Tell Edgartown Meadows Homes

A new round of private well tests in an Edgartown neighborhood this week intensified the mystery for Island officials working to pinpoint the source of groundwater contamination spreading through the West Tisbury Road subdivision.

"It's too much of a puzzle, too many unknowns at this point," said Matthew Poole, Edgartown health agent, noting that now 20 per cent of the homes tested have water unsafe for drinking.

Tisbury Grants Administrator a Raise, but the Search for Successor Has Begun

Tisbury Grants Administrator a Raise, but the Search for Successor
Has Begun


After months of delay, denials and appeals, the Tisbury personnel
board this week granted the town administrator a four per cent salary
increase. But the news was bittersweet for town administrator Dennis
Luttrell: Just the week before, the selectmen agreed to form a search
committee to seek his successor.

High Nitrates Found in Home Wells Near Vineyard Golf Club

High nitrate levels found in the private wells of a few Edgartown homes off West Tisbury Road sent health officials scrambling this week - trying to pin down the exact source of what could be a sizable plume running through Edgartown Meadows subdivision.

More than a week into extensive testing, a few fingers point to the homes' neighbor, the Vineyard Golf Club, an 18-hole private luxury golf course that opened in May of 2002.

MVC Reopens Review of Housing Plan

MVC Reopens Review of Housing Plan


Neighbors sharpened their questions last night as the Martha's
Vineyard Commission began its second look at an affordable housing
project slated for the center of a densely-settled Edgartown

The Jenney Lane project, proposed by Island Affordable Housing Fund
and South Mountain Company, calls for a cluster of 10 single-family
homes just behind Pine street and Curtis Lane. The project aims to boost
Island families of modest income into the ever-rising housing market.

Health Foundation Changes Its Course

As Vineyard nonprofits large and small confront the realities of
competing for a shrinking pool of donor dollars, The Foundation for
Island Health (FIH) announced this week that it will eliminate the bulk
of its paid staff and convert to an organization that is run almost
entirely by volunteers.

Jurors Find Defendant Guilty of Faking Sticker for Jeep in Fatal Crash

More than two and a half years after the crash of a defective Jeep
claimed the life of a high school senior, the young man's family
finally saw some justice this week.

Tale of a Striper: A Fish Travels from the Derby to Dinner Table

Amy Lawry of West Tisbury and Joan Fresher of Edgartown don't
know each other, but they shared a connection on Wednesday when Mrs.
Lawry's prize striped bass became Mrs. Fresher's dinner.

In Tisbury, Master Plan Survey Backs Affordable Housing, Healthy Harbor

The parking in Tisbury is terrible, but traffic is worse. The police, fire and emergency services are first rate. The town should invest in lots for affordable housing and could begin by developing the southwest wedge off Holmes Hole Road. And although Tisbury harbor generates needed revenue, it is above all a vital resource that must be kept environmentally healthy.
