Wealth of Treasures Convey Sense of Island’s Rich Past at the Historical Society’s Museum

Hens’ gravestones, a scrimshaw toothpick, a spittoon of General Grant’s, a plank from the Constitution and a spanker for naughty boys are among the many curiosities on display at the Duke’s County Historical Society museum on School street in Edgartown.

New Studio and Shop Greets Vineyard Public

The shop and studio of the Mosher Photo Service opened at its new location on Main street in Vineyard Haven on Monday morning. This building, almost across the street from the Vineyard Vendor, is sometimes known as the shoe shop building from having been occupied for years by a shoe repairing business. Now, remodeled throughout to provide a camera shop in the front portion and a studio in the rear, it presents an extremely attractive appearance.

Attractive Interior

Boat Shop That Became a Home for Island Art

When in Edgartown, we invite you to take a walk along Dock street to the northern end. There beside you is a tall grey building. Look up and up and see how it reaches into the sky with cathedral dignity. It has a tower on the front, as does any proper cathedral, and also many windows on the long sides. Farther up are rows of skylights like the clerestory in a Gothic medieval church, but our skylights leak. High in the peaks are two round windows, the glass pink with age, so it boasts two rose windows as well.

Felix Neck, Gift to Mass. Audubon, Will be Preserve

George M. Moffett Jr., widely known as a yachtsman and conservationist, signed an agreement last week by which Felix Neck, more than 200 beautiful acres of widely varying terrain extending into Sengekontacket Pond, will be conveyed to the Massachusetts Audubon Society as a wildlife sanctuary. Part of the acreage is transferred immediately, and the balance will be leased to the Audubon Society until the gift is completed.

Cottagers Acquire an Old Town Hall and Many Annals of Old Cottage City and Oak Bluffs

On Aug. 26, 1869, the Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company, an energetic corporation which had bought up acres of the lovely woods and meadows and shore front stretches of what is now Oak Bluffs, sold one of those lots, 69 Pequot avenue, to Lydia B. Smith of New Bedford.

Hulls and Rigs Were Different in New York Cruises Long Ago

The coming of the New York Yacht Club cruising fleet stirs never-to-be-forgotten memories. It is bewildering to realize how many persons cannot recall this scene, not having been born at the time, and thus cannot without difficulty follow a description by one whose emotions were deeply stirred by the sight sixty-five years ago.
The fleet did not always rendezvous at Vineyard Haven, yet that harbor was favored and the club’s own shore base was erected on the Eastville shore maintained by a club steward who was a year-round resident of Oak Bluffs.

Former Rolfe Property at Eastville Is Sold

What has long been known as the Rolfe property at Eastville has been sold through the Rabbitt Real Estate Agency and Al Brickman to Louis Cimeno, Vineyard Haven building contractor, who will use it for rental purposes. The sale has been made for Alvan K. Knowles of Syracuse.

West Tisbury’s Library Begins a New Chapter

The public library of West Tisbury, privately owned until the February town meeting voted unanimously to take it over, was conceived in 1890 by Prof. Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, who founded Seven Gates Farms, also. With Rev. Caleb Rotch, pastor of the Congregational church, who canvassed up-Island, he collected $175 for the first step.

Tom’s Neck Farm in Memory, an Idyll of Chappaquiddick

The following is a brief history of the farm at Tom’s Neck, Chappaquiddick. It is not an attempt at  literature, just a simple story of places and persons with, here and there, a touch of philosophy. Since this year ownership has changed, the time seems right.

Vineyard Gazette Is Under New Ownership

Transfer of ownership of the Vineyard Gazette to Mr. and Mrs. James Reston—James and Sally Reston, as their names will appear at the masthead of the paper—was completed on Saturday, following the announcement of the change made on March 22. Mr. Reston is associate editor of the New York Times and Mrs. Reston is on the staff of that newspaper.
