Oak Bluffs Results Were a Surprise - IS Healing of LONG Battle Under Way?

Oak Bluffs Results Were a Surprise - Is Healing of Long Battle
Under Way?

By Julia Wells

In Oak Bluffs the landscape has changed, and it's not just the
daffodils and day lilies. In this seaside town of honky tonk and
gingerbread and emerald parks, the landscape of local politics has also
suddenly changed.

For Conservation Commission, a Tangled Issue in Pond Docks

For Conservation Commission, a Tangled Issue in Pond Docks


The West Tisbury conservation commission must now act as judge and
jury for a key town leader - sorting through selectman Jeffrey
(Skipper) Manter's request to permit four docks in Tisbury Great
Pond that he has been using for years.

The verdict must come down within three weeks, and the conservation
commission - a board appointed by selectmen - isn't
quite sure how to sort through the mess.

Here's what they know:

District Attorney to Seek Grand Jury Indictments in Jail Inmate Beatings

District Attorney to Seek Grand Jury Indictments in Jail Inmate


The Cape and Islands district attorney said yesterday he will go to
a Dukes County grand jury to ask for indictments as the result of a
state police investigation into allegations of officer collusion in two
separate inmate beatings at the Dukes County House of Correction.

"We will more than likely be presenting evidence to a grand
jury in the coming weeks," said Michael Trudeau, the first
assistant Cape and Islands district attorney.

Pavarotti! Cher! Art! How They're Alike: Not the Retiring Kind

Last summer the eminently credible Walter Cronkite was correct as
usual when he predicted, "I'm expecting him to be right up
on that platform as he's been all these years, so I'm not
going to waste any tears."

Art Buchwald, succumbing to the request of Possible Dreams
cochairmen Kerry Scott and Amy Eisenlohr, has rescinded the decision he
made in August to step down as auctioneer of the high stakes fundraiser
for Martha's Vineyard Community Services.

West Tisbury Stays in District, Approves Spending Increases

West Tisbury Stays in District, Approves Spending Increases


In the end, it was all about distrusting the numbers. Against a
backdrop of confusion over whether exiting the Up-Island Regional School
District would save money or cost money, West Tisbury voters this week
demanded an independent cost analysis.

Tribe Issues Community Center Permit; $1.2 Million Project Impacts Wetland

In the first regulatory review under its own maiden government since
the superior court decision on sovereign immunity last year, the
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) this week permitted itself to
build a 6,500-square-foot community center off Black Brook Road in

The community center will be built around a wetland.

Boatline Tensions Aired; Marketing Gets the Axe

Island's Boat Line Representative Urges County Board to Focus
on Large Issues


Growing tensions at the Steamship Authority were exposed this week
as the Vineyard boat line governor delivered an impassioned speech
defending authority management and describing dysfunction among the
board of governors.

Boatline Tensions Aired; Marketing Gets the Ax

As Ad Plan Is Rejected, Chief Gives Fare Warning


After months spent sparring over the Steamship Authority's
controversial new marketing program, the boat line board of governors
yesterday effectively scrapped it.

At the monthly boat line meeting in Woods Hole, board members first
rejected a modest advertising policy developed by Vineyard SSA governor
Kathryn A. Roessel, then dismantled a second set of recommendations put
forth by management.

"The patient's dead," declared SSA chief executive
officer Fred C. Raskin.

Oak Bluffs Town Meeting Discussion Knocks Cronyism, Lauds Lean Budget

Oak Bluffs Town Meeting Discussion Knocks Cronyism, Lauds Lean


The Oak Bluffs town meeting this week opened with a viewing of a new
tourism video, Oak Bluffs: Feel the Magic. As the wind lashed the trees
outside, residents were treated to visions of warm days and clear skies.
A voice-over gently reminded them Oak Bluffs is the place to be.

Then it was down to business.

Kerry Scott Wins Office as Incumbents Stumble in Key Oak Bluffs Races

Kerry Scott Wins Office as Incumbents Stumble in Key Oak Bluffs


Signaling sweeping change in the political leadership of Oak Bluffs
and delivering major upsets, voters yesterday ousted three high-profile

Kerry Scott handily beat one-term selectman Todd Rebello by a margin
of 164 votes; the final tally was 776-612. Vincent Chestnut mustered
only 33 votes in the three-way race.

Linda Marinelli ended Joe Alosso's tenure on the board of
health, narrowly defeating him 721-662.
