Tisbury Police Ask Expansion

Tisbury Police Ask Expansion

Acting Chief Presents Selectmen With Detailed Proposal to Boost
Number of Uniformed Officers By Three Full-Time Slots


Kriner Cash Is Choice for Top Virginia Post

School board members in Charlottesville, Va., want Dr. Kriner Cash to be their next school superintendent, and are negotiating right now to see if they can convince the leader of the Vineyard school system to head south.

MVC Votes to Rescind District Designation for Chappaquiddick

MVC Votes to Rescind District Designation for Chappaquiddick


The Martha's Vineyard Commission officially closed a year-long
chapter for the residents of Chappaquiddick last night, voting to
rescind the island's designation as a district of critical
planning concern (DCPC).

The vote ended the one-year building moratorium three weeks early.
Without the vote, the moratorium would automatically expire June 7.

Good Samaritans: Islanders Travel by Angel Flight for Health Care

From thousands of feet above the blue-green waters of Nantucket Sound, reality seems to wait below.

Inside the cabin of the 1977 single-engine plane, Mike is the tough-talking washashore, piloting his Skylane 182 from the Vineyard to Hyannis. Joe, the co-pilot, is an Islander through and through, with a war story for every patch of water below. And for the moment, Bruce, who peers from the plane's window looking for his Lambert's Cove home, forgets about his battle with cancer.

Voters Approve Aquinnah Budget; School Money Faces Override Vote

Voters Approve Aquinnah Budget; School Money Faces Override Vote


At a town meeting marked by lengthy debate and intermittent
confusion, Aquinnah voters approved a $1.78 million general operating
budget and agreed to put $271,000 of the budget for the elementary
school to a Proposition 2 1/2 override vote before deciding to cut the
meeting short about two hours in.

Former Tisbury Selectman Gets Jail Term in Drunk Driving, Vehicular Homicide Case

Former Tisbury selectman A. Kirk Briggs was convicted of drunk driving and vehicular homicide yesterday in Edgartown District Court and sentenced to 21 months in the Dukes County jail.

New Airline Inaugurates Service to Island; PanAm Affiliate Expands Mainland Links

A third commercial airline has launched service to Martha's Vineyard Airport, joining Cape Air and the returning US Airways Express in serving Islanders while providing residents and visitors with additional airports to fly directly to and from.

Boston-Maine Airways, an affiliate of Pan American Airways based in Portsmouth, N.H., last Friday saw its inaugural flight from headquarters land at the Vineyard airport around noon. Airline officials proceeded to the terminal for a ceremony marking the start of the carrier's summer Island service.

New Bedford Politicians Begin Maneuvers for Boat Line Seat

New Bedford Politicians Begin Maneuvers for Boat Line Seat


The slumbering campaign by the city of New Bedford to overhaul the
Steamship Authority saw a bit of fresh activity this week when a state
representative hastily added an amendment to the proposed state budget
- and then just as quickly withdrew it.

Jail Break Triggers Investigation Into Odd Escape Circumstances

A 22-year-old man was charged in district court yesterday with
escaping from Dukes County Jail and House of Correction in Edgartown
last weekend. David Luce, who was close to finishing a
two-and-a-half-year sentence for assault and battery and indecent
assault and battery, was discovered missing from the jail at
approximately 2:55 a.m. last Saturday.

High School Backs Skate Park for Youth

Vineyard skateboarders finally got a nod of approval Monday night
from the keepers of the 150-foot square of land they see as a potential
home for an Island skate park.
