Big As a Bug

There is good news on the Vineyard Haven waterfront. Douglas Rock,
an extremely dangerous hazard to navigation, has - finally -
been marked.

The rock, as big as a Volkswagen Bug and close to the surface in
waters off West Chop, is now identifiable by a tall spile and sign that
says: "Rocks."

The marking brings closure to a struggle that has gone on for years.

New Bedford Run Fails

New Bedford Run Fails

No on License


Gazette Senior Writer

Steamship Authority governors voted without dissent last week to
deny a license application from a private freight hauler to run
year-round service between New Bedford and the two Islands.

"Our focus clearly needs to remain on providing for the
Islands," said SSA general counsel Steven Sayers. Mr. Sayers was
point man in the staff recommendation to deny the license application
from Seabulk International Inc.

SSA Debate Splits Island

SSA Debate Spits Islands

Stormy Waters


Gazette Senior Writer

Calling a virtual mandate from some 800 people on Nantucket
uninformed, Vineyard Steamship Authority governor and board chairman
J.B. Riggs Parker said last week that he will press ahead with the
ambitious new service model for the public boat line.

"I believe I am not informed enough to make a statement on
these issues, and if I am not informed, it would be unusual to conclude
that communities as a whole are informed," declared Mr. Parker.

Legislation Proposed to Ban Jet Ski Use

Harbor masters, town officials and many Island residents consider them a safety hazard and an annoyance. Users buy and rent them as recreational vehicles and for the fun of riding Vineyard waters at high speed.

The two colliding positions run to the heart of a longstanding Island and national dispute over use of personal watercraft, better known to many as Jet Skis. Now state legislative proposals governing the use of these watercraft may be changing.

Island Pays Herbert Hancock Last Farewell In Outpouring of Respect for Leading Citizen

A lobster pot filled with a bouquet of colorful flowers adorned the
top of the casket for one of the Island's best-known fishermen,
selectmen and friend. Hundreds stood in silence during the graveside
service for Herbert Hancock on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hancock died April
26 at the age of 71.

An osprey flew high above Chilmark Pond. Friends and family stood
below on a grassy knoll at the Abel's Hill Cemetery.

Tisbury Town Meeting

Affordable housing, Island health care, and the cost of education were a few of the hot spots Tisbury voters endured at their annual town meeting Tuesday evening.

Citizens plowed through 18 articles and four hours of discussion inside the Tisbury School gymnasium in a meeting which began at 7:30 and at continued past 11 p.m., when the floor voted down the option to take a recess.

SSA Problems and Rate Hikes

SSA Problems and Rate Hikes


Steamship Authority governors will be asked this morning to consider
a mid-season fare hike, as the boat line faces escalating costs from
legal bills, rising debt and projected operating losses on the new ferry
run between New Bedford and the Vineyard this summer.

The proposed fare hike is set for discussion only; no vote is
planned until next month. If it is approved, passenger fares and the
popular auto excursion fares for Island residents will all go up.

Job Fair Seeks Placement for School Students

Job Fair Seeks Placement for School Students


Maura Dickson needs a job.

So Wednesday afternoon she went to the high school gymnasium to chat
with area businesses who were taking part in a job fair.

"I'm looking for a summer job because it's really
hard to find a job at this time of year. All of the college kids call
up," the high school senior said.

So she slowly made her way around the tables that lined the gym,
picking up applications and asking questions.

Herbert Hancock Dies

Herbert Hancock, 71, Was Chilmark Selectman

Herbert R. Hancock, selectman, lobsterman, builder and artist, died
at home Thursday morning, April 26, after a short, brave battle with
cancer. He was 71.

Chilmark Casts Its Votes

Chilmark Casts Its Votes


In a meeting which ended minutes before midnight, Chilmark voters
gave the go-ahead to the library renovation and expansion project,
increased traffic control in Menemsha, and a slew of zoning bylaw

These decisions took place at the Monday evening annual town meeting
where 32 per cent of the town's registered voters - 243
people - filled the Chilmark Community Center to capacity.
