Changes in Old Hostelry Leave Exterior Unchanged

When the Great Harbour Inn opened in Edgartown this spring, early guests and staff members had several surprises in the form of improvements in the building waiting for them, improvements not discernible from the outside since Richard L. Colter, the owner of the inn, was careful not to disturb the appearance of the 200 year old building.

Vineyard Says Yes to Regional School

The Vineyard said YES.

The regional school agreement was adopted by a sweeping vote in all six Island towns at the special town meetings held Tuesday evening. Here are the figures:

                        Yes     No

Chilmark...........76     4

Edgartown.......309   73

Gay Head...........32    1

Oak Bluffs.......213   96

Tisbury............327   208

West Tisbury......93  16

Total...........    1050 398

Striped Bass Survey: First Phase Will Determine Whether These Fish Winter in State

The three year joint federal-state study of the striped bass populations in Massachusetts waters will start later this month, according to Fran­cis W. Sargent of Orleans, Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries, Department of Natural Resources. The announcement was made at the annual winter meeting of the Massa­chusetts Striped Bass Association, held Monday evening at American Legion Hall, Wollaston, where Mr. Sargent was the principle speaker.

Battered Vineyard Team Makes Game Bid for Win

The game with Nantucket on Saturday turned out to be one of the roughest that the Martha’s Vineyard footballers have encountered. Judging by the number of injuries suffered by the Island boys, it was the roughest, with the principal Vineyard players seemingly one by one being removed from the game as the advantage irrevocably turned toward the Nantucketers, who finally defeated their visitors 33 to 20.

Football Debut Is Eagerly Awaited

The debut of the first Vineyard football team, under the guidance of Coaches John Kelley, Daniel McCar­thy and Stanley Whitman, will take place tomorrow afternoon on the newly laid-out field at the Veterans Memorial Park in Vineyard Haven. For their first game the Island boys are taking on the impressive gridiron group from the Ashland High School, a team that boasts fifteen straight wins.

Learning to Grow Through the Arts and Through Creating, Underlies the Hinni School System

The driveways and barns and garages, the stairways and trees of the Whitney estate at West Chop have, for the past several years, been the scene of a new type of activity. A special project has been underway under the direction of Miss Kathleen Hinni of the Summer School of Creative Arts, and young people have been learning to grow through the arts.

Church Sound and Safe, Rumors Publicly Denied

Members of Bradley Memorial Church, Oak Blufs, are greatly distressed over the report which has circulated to the effect that their church building has been condemned as un­safe. Mrs. Mabel Hughes, one of the extremely active members of the church, approached the Gazette this week with the request that this might be publicly denied. Mrs. Hughes was furnished with official statement signed by all three members of the board of selectmen of Oak Bluffs, .which stated that the building has not been condemned for this or any other reason.

“For Sale” Sign on Famous Boat Builder’s Shop Causes Consternation - Manuel May Shift Moorings

There is a “For Sale” sign on the boat shop of Manuel S. Roberts at the head of the town wharf in Edgartown, a sign indicating that the historic building and the land upon which it is situated are for sale. Indicating also - and this brings a touch of near-tragedy to the picture - that this building long associated with ships, boats and salt water and men who have gone down to the sea, may enter upon a new and cheaply-gilded existence as a Gifte Shoppe - and its proprietor, as much a landmark as the building, removed from the setting which he has dominated for so long.

D.C.H.S. To Build Fireproof Museum

A new fireproof building to house the priceless records and collections of the Dukes County Historical Society is to be built on the land on School street, Edgartown, adjoining the grounds of the society’s Squire Cooke house. The new structure, although placed near School street on this lot, will face toward Cooke street, making an angle with the Gay Head lens tower and the Cooke house.


A traffic-stopper in Edgartown this week has been the corner of Davis Lane and School street where the stately house which was once Davis Academy and is now the summer home of the G. Holmes Perkins family, of Cambridge and Philadelphia, has been emerging in a pale blue manifestation, with white trim.
