To relieve congestion at the Woods Hole and Vineyard Haven terminals, Steamship Authority management this week recommended extending the boat line’s reservations-only policy to year-round — effectively ending stand-by travel for motorists visiting Martha’s Vineyard.
76 Days Adrift is based on Steve Callahan’s autobiography Adrift: Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea. The film is directed by Joe Wein and executive produced by Robert Sennott.
There are lots of activities still going on and planned for the holiday season at the Chappy Community Center.
When I stepped outside yesterday, I knew why a large empty peanut butter jar was there on the front lawn. I had seen one there before.
The nation voted to return Donald Trump to the White House while Vineyard voters overwhelmingly backed Vice President Kamala Harris.
Though too young to cast their own ballots, parents and school teachers brought youngsters out to the polls Tuesday to give them a firsthand view of democracy.
On Friday the lights went dark at the Gay Head lighthouse as the town began a six-month renovation project to fix its curtain wall, lantern deck and replace the existing lantern with an LED bulb.
Throughout the day, voters cited women’s reproductive health, the economy and the lack of better options as some of the deciding factors in their votes.
Polls open at 7 a.m. in all six towns and close at 8 p.m. Aside from picking who will spend the next four years at the White House, Islanders will also weigh in on a series of ballot questions, a state senate seat, and a contested race for nine seats on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.
Striped bass have become a focus of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Natural Resource department as it continues to study the decline of the herring population.