Tisbury Approves $15.9 Budget; School Funds Win Town Meeting Vote

Tisbury Approves $15.9 Million Budget; School Funds Win Town Meeting


Tisbury residents kicked off the Island's season of annual
town meetings Tuesday with a bow to education and an endorsement of the
Dukes County Regional Housing Authority.

The police department had the roughest time during the two-night
annual town meeting. Following a narrowly approved request to upgrade
from 45-calibre sidearms to Glocks, voters defeated the
department's $58,000 request for two new cruisers.

Voters Face Major Budget Issues at Annual Meetings in Three Towns

Voters Face Major Budget Issues at Annual Meetings in Three Towns

In Oak Bluffs, Expect the Unexpected


Voters in Oak Bluffs will be asked next week whether they want to
ban dogs from town beaches, declare their opposition to the war in Iraq
and borrow $750,000 to build an addition to the town hall on School

Those are just three of the proposals on tap for back-to-back town
meetings that get under way Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Performing Arts

Seven Candidates Vie for Two Selectmen Seats in Oak Bluffs

Seven Candidates Vie for Two Selectmen Seats in Oak Bluffs


Some people in town are calling it an outright horse race -
seven candidates running for two seats on the board of selectmen in Oak
Bluffs. It is the most hotly contested race in this year's
political season on the Vineyard. Voters will pick their selectmen at
the polls from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs School on Thursday,
April 10.

2,500 Miles: Bottle Message Links Pen Pals Across Atlantic

Bottle Message Links Pen Pals Across Atlantic


Ten-year-old Dylan Rice has a new pen pal.

This Edgartown school student wasn't exactly looking for an
extra hobby; he's pretty busy with school, Cub Scouts and the FARM
Institute. But ever since 17-year-old Juan Braìs Garcia Liz had
the courtesy to respond to Dylan's message in a bottle, this
Vineyard student has been paying extra attention in Spanish class.

Golf Course Developers Agree to Dismiss Property Rights Claims in MVC Lawsuit

Golf Course Developers Agree to Dismiss Property Rights Claims in
MVC Lawsuit


Attorneys for the Down Island Golf Club have backed away from a
portion of their massive lawsuit against the Martha's Vineyard
Commission, agreeing to dismiss two counts that involved property rights

Edgartown Overrides Appear on Ballot

Edgartown Overrides Appear on Ballot


Scores of pocketbook-pinching articles and a few tough zoning
questions face Edgartown citizens Tuesday at the annual town meeting at
7:30 p.m. in the Old Whaling Church.

Voters will be asked to approve a $19-million operating budget
- swallowing a $707,000 general override to cover a
five-and-a-half per cent increase in town operations.

Questions of house size caps in certain neighborhoods - a hot
topic - come at the end of the 74-article warrant.

Affordable Housing Bylaw Passes at Tisbury Meeting

Affordable Housing Bylaw Passes at Tisbury Meeting


Tisbury voters approved an affordable housing bylaw at a special
town meeting Tuesday night.

Questions surrounding overall administration of the housing plan,
and an amnesty program within it, almost defeated the motion. In an
hour-long debate proceeding the vote, speakers suggested again and again
that the proposal - encouraging the creation of accessory
apartments - needed more work.

Tisbury Annual Town Meeting Confronts $16 Million Budget

Headlining this year's 22-article annual town meeting warrant in Tisbury is a total budget of $15,856,073, an increase of nearly a nine and a half per cent over last year's $14,496,931.

Town moderator Deborah Medders will gavel the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1, in the gymnasium of the Tisbury School.

According to Ray LaPorte, chairman of the selectmen, there is little in this year's budget likely to generate argument. Tim McLean, town treasurer, agrees.

Schools Seek Finance Help

Schools Seek Finance Help

Leaders of Island School Districts Seek Reassurance from Towns that
State Local Aid Funds Will Support Education


With annual town meeting season only days away, school leaders this
week pressured Island selectmen and town financial teams to back amended
school budgets that would earmark state funds for educational spending
and avert the need to lay off teachers for next year.

On Campus at Rebecca Amos: Alternative Education Lifts Youth from Troubled Margins of Life

Alex Lawson's future wasn't looking too bright:
He'd quit doing his homework back in seventh grade, hung out with
the wrong kids and had some run-ins with police.
