The Vineyard Forest Reserve

With the latest acquisition of land by the state, the order of tak­ing of which by the Department of Conservation was published in last week’s paper, the forest reserve on Martha’s Vineyard comprises about 5000 acres. Encircling the heath hen reservation, which consists of 640 acres, this tract extends over the eastern plain lands, the least valuable of any land on the Island.

‘Round ‘Bout Tisbury

An electric refrigerating plant has been installed in Cronig Brother’s market. It is said that some of the other markets are also to have plants installed.

Bodfishes Heroes of Barnacle Club Blaze

Prompt action and unexcelled presence of mind on the part of Frank Bodfish and Capt. Hartson Bodfish averted what might have been a serious fire in the Barnacle Club at Vineyard Haven yesterday forenoon. Very few members frequent the club during the morning hours and it was by the merest chance that Frank Bodfish entered the room about 10:30 and found it filled with a dense, suffocating smoke.

Dr. Banks’ Third Volume

The third volume of the History of Martha’s Vineyard by Dr. Charles Edward Banks gives lovers of the Island access to a store of valuable information and reminds them again how fortunate the Island is in its historian. Volume Three, long anticipated and at last auspiciously published under the seal of the Dukes County Historical Society, is devoted to family genealogies.

Memorial Tablet Dedicated

While the dedication of the Confederate Memorial tablet was planned as a part of the Oak Bluffs Celebration, it seemed that the fates must have willed that a day be set apart for the ceremony alone, as the heavy electrical storm on Friday prevented the carrying out of any other part of the day’s program, other than the Fireman’s Parade which took place just before dark.
Owing to the sudden death of Judge Hillman, Herbert N. Hinckley was chosen as master of ceremonies, and read the speech which the Judge had prepared for the occasion.

Opposes Placing of Confederate Name

Despite the protest of Grand Army Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Wilfred A. Wetherbee against the placing of a Confederate veteran’s name on the Soldiers’ Monument at Oak Bluffs, representatives of the surviving member of the Henry Clay Wade Post, and the Woman’s Relief Corps, declare that the plan shall be carried out, and regard the commander’s objection as ridiculous and shameful.

Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club

At the invitation of its vice president, Mrs. William M. Butler, the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club met at her summer home, “Mohu”, on August 12th.

Oak Bluffs

Harry T. Burleigh, the composer, who recently returned from a three months’ trip abroad, on which he was accompanied by his son, has arrived to spend the remainder of the summer at Oak Bluffs. He is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Shearer at their summer home on Vineyard Highlands.

Confederate Soldier Honors the Blue

Last Saturday at Edgartown marked the beginning of a new paragraph in a chapter of Vineyard history which was begun 30 years ago. At the close of the public exercises, patriotic orders including the G. A. R., W. R. C. and the American Legion met in the town hall for refreshments and friendly discussion.

Reforesting Begins On Vineyard

Over 700,000 two and three year seedlings of pine and poplar are to be planted on the State Reservation this summer. The work, which is now in progress, is being done under the state Bureau of Forestry.
The tiny trees are planted in beds at first, and then, as they grow larger and stronger, are transplanted, being placed in spots best calculated to insure rapid and healthy growth.
