East Chop




Have you noticed Bill Dennehy walking the Chop recently? It’s strange because by this time in the summer Bill is usually back at Exeter preparing to whip into shape another successful varsity soccer team.


Oak Bluffs




The sun has moved to a new trajectory. Leaves on the tomato and squash plants curl and brown. The dill and rocket have gone to flower. Only the kale and collards grow strong awaiting winter’s frost to sweeten each leaf. Summer flower and garden beds will be cleaned and composted; then bulbs will be planted and golden, red, and orange oak and maple, elm and eucalyptus will color as best they can from summer’s drought.

West Tisbury




Report Mixed On Cape Wind

A staff report released by the Cape Cod Commission this week gives a decidedly mixed review to the controversial plan by Cape Wind Associates to build 130 wind turbines on Horseshoe Shoal. The report finds that Cape Wind’s plan to connect the turbines to land in West Yarmouth through underwater electricity transmission lines meets only eight of 32 performance standards set by the commission.

In general, the staff report concluded, a good deal more information is needed in order to satisfy the requirements of the commission.

John Stevens

Edgartown School Welcomes New Principal

Much has changed between the time 54-year-old John W. Stevens graduated from the Edgartown School and yesterday, when he welcomed the students and parents on opening day and introduced himself as their new school principal.

But for the veteran educator, who comes from running large schools in Florida, the scene was familiar enough.


Bass and Bluefish Derby Begins; First Weigh-in Sunday Morning

Roy Langley, weigh master for the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby, will ring a cowbell at 8 a.m. sharp Sunday morning.

Once that cowbell rings, at the entrance to the official derby headquarters at the foot of Main street in Edgartown, the Vineyard will become an entirely different place.

From that moment on, derby participants can bring in their fish to be weighed in the month-long contest that galvanizes the Island every year.

August 31: Mostly Sunny

Friday, August 31: Mostly sunny. High flying cirrus clouds. Ocean Park grass is green despite the recent drought. Waban Park grass is brown. Oak Bluffs beaches bustle with sunbathers. Sailboats move slowly across Nantucket Sound toward Edgartown. Starry night.

The Fishermen


Thirty years ago, the invention of the electronic fish finder helped fishermen out in their boats find fish. Today’s great device, the computer hooked up to the Internet, helps the rest of us find fishermen who know where to find the fish.

The culture of the Internet has helped charter fishing captains just as it has helped a lot of other businesses.

Moon and Venus

Remember Venus hanging low in the southwestern sky after sunset during summer? Tomorrow morning you’ll find the same brilliant planet low in the eastern sky before sunrise. It is a dramatic shift. Tomorrow morning Venus is joined by the crescent moon. The two are close together. They both rise together as daylight approaches. Sunrise is after 6 a.m.; so the best view is probably around 5 a.m. and earlier.

Grant Will Help Train Nurses for Windemere

Grant Will Help Train

Nurses for Windemere

The state has announced the award of a $104,974 workforce training fund grant to Windemere Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

The grant will fund a program to train 10 employees to become licensed practical nurses in 10 months. In addition to the grant, Windemere will fund $244,644 of the training program. 
