



Chilmark is alive and well this week after experiencing all kinds of weather that included heavy rains, loud thunder and bright lighting ... followed by sunny days and clear skies! Our visitors were out and about and appeared to take it all in stride. The pressure of so many things to do seems to keep us all moving through these summer days, rain or shine.

Fishing is still good in our up-Island waters and many tables have been featuring bluefish in many culinary variations.

Welcome Emma

Welcome Emma

Mollie Doyle and Thomas Bena of Chilmark announce the birth of a daughter, Emma Elizabeth Bena, on August 3, at Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Emma weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces at birth.

No Walk in the Park

No Walk in the Park

The town of Oak Bluffs had concerns about the aggressive expansion of the popular Boston Pops outdoor concert first staged in Ocean Park last summer, and most of them have proven to be on the mark. National operator Festival Network, which ran an ambitious, exciting event here in 2007, instead of letting it grow organically, pushed too far this year in trying to exploit its initial success. The risk is that a mutually beneficial event with so much potential will be soured for the future.

Message in a Bylaw

Message in a Bylaw

Despite its two-time defeat on the town meeting floor, the pioneering Aquinnah energy bylaw remains ready for revival. Voters have sent a clear message to the town selectmen, planning board and other leaders and the message is this: the bylaw needs refining, with more open, public participation.

Letters to the Editor


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

The Martha’s Vineyard Festival was a stupendous celebration again. Thank you dearly to all who made it possible.

Gazette Chronicle: Flotsam and Jetsam

Flotsam and Jetsam

From the Vineyard Gazette editions of August, 1958:

Among the many paintings by New Bedford’s marine artist, Benjamin Russell, which are now on show, is the Wreck of the Christina. The wreck of the Christina was one of the most famous as well as one of the most tragic that occurred in Vineyard waters.

Evesdropping on the Vineyard? Sorry, You’re Breaking Up

Recently there have been a number of pieces of legislation on the national and state levels that are concerned with telephonic communication. On the national scene our Congress acceded to the wishes of the administration and allowed that warrantless eavesdropping on citizen’s phone calls was acceptable and further that those who aided in that electronic surveillance could do so with impunity and immunity from prosecution.


Beware the Crazy Eights of August

The number eight in Chinese brings good fortune, I learned from the scheduling of the Olympic Games. That is why they began last week on the eighth day of the eighth month in the year 2008.

I am not Chinese, I am not an athlete and I live on the Vineyard, not in China. So I should not be surprised, I suppose, that little good has happened to me since I turned the calendar page to August.

Springsteen concert

Still the Boss After All These Years

Was it the thunderstorms and down pour that preceded the concert, delaying the show two hours, but clearing into a spectacular summer evening?

Was it learning a clutch of Vineyarders had seats in the very same section as us at Gillette Stadium?

Or was it when I first bought tickets online and through a computer glitch, my order was doubled?

A Writer at Home in the Highlands

This is a tale with a moral. I will try not to tax your attention too long. But I have to go way back to begin because it begins with my childhood. It is about houses and children, and which came first.

We had a cottage in the Highlands of unimpressive size and appearance. My mother loved it for its easy care. It couldn’t even stand in the shade of our city house, and there certainly were no special rules for children. No one had ever looked aghast at a child on its premises.
