It’s not clear how much repairs will cost, but the fire burned through some shingles and into the building.
The night sky has shifted gradually. The winter constellations are departing, hanging low in the western sky.
The favorite constellation Orion, the hunter, is now hanging high in the southwestern sky. Remember when it was due South. Even the zodiacal constellation Taurus has eased more westward. The constellation has shifted from overhead now to high in the western sky.
Rising in the east is the zodiacal constellation Leo, always presaging warmer weather ahead.
The Outermost Inn in Aquinnah received approval from the Martha’s Vineyard Commission Thursday to erect a large metal canopy for an expanded patio.
In a decision laden with references to the American Revolution, the state Supreme Judicial Court this week ruled that a town cannot control what people say during public comment periods, even if it is “discourteous, rude, disrespectful or personal.”
Playoff fever came to an end for the Vineyard boys hockey team Thursday evening as the top-seeded Norwell Clippers took down the Vineyarders 5-0 at The Bog in Kingston.
The schooner Amistad, a replica of the historic ship that became famous after a group of enslaved Africans led a successful revolt and won their freedom in the U.S. Supreme Court, will drop anchor at Martha’s Vineyard for Juneteenth weekend.
The temporary ban was proposed last month by town administrator Jay Grande, who on Wednesday repeated his concerns about the impact of visiting boats on the environmental health of the estuary and the quality of life for lakeside residents.
With annual town meeting season barely a month out, political season is quietly under way on Martha's Vineyard.
For the third of the Island's population that is over 65, the lack of options for skilled nursing care on Martha's Vineyard presents a looming worry.