There appears to be a misconception in the com munity about the outcome of efforts to prevent cuts in the performing arts department at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School for the next academic year. I am writing to offer some clarification and to ask for your help.
What is it with this pot-bellied, moon-faced guy Babe Ruth? What makes him remembered so vividly to this day? It was summed up best by an old teammate reminiscing years ago about the Babe. “He was a constant source of joy,” the old man said.
— Robert Creamer, Hall of Fame
How a rare image of Babe Ruth landed in a Vineyard art gallery is less a tale of the enduring game of baseball and more the story of the enduring mystery of friendship.
Hi, I’m Troy Small, this week’s Sophomores Speak Out editor. We are bringing a lot of new thoughts to the table this week. We’re talking about racism in our school and community, how teenagers deal with winter on the Island, how transportation is really hard for sophomores who have not got their licenses yet, school bullying and how we lose our heroes. Like the rest of the country, we are talking about the presidential election and our hopes for a better world.
Is Racism A Thing Of The Past?
The Menemsha fisheries development fund will kick off its 2008 program series at the Chilmark Public Library on Wednesday, Feb. 20 with two documentary films looking at traditional fishing communities impacted by declining fish stocks, changing regulations and the loss of a way of life.
The Permanent Endowment Fund, the Island’s community foundation, is seeking grant requests from not-for-profit organizations and public agencies for grants from the general discretionary fund, the Island Fund, the James P. Cahen Fund and the Goldberg Fund. Grants from the general discretionary fund and Island Fund are for nonprofit (501(c)(3)) organizations primarily for capital, startup and special needs, not operating expenses. Grants from the James P.
Named Chevalier
Donald R. Hart, a part-time Vineyard Haven resident and a former resident of Harthaven and Chilmark, has been named a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor by the president of the French Republic. The award was given by France in gratitude for Mr. Hart’s contribution to the decisive role played by the United States in the liberation of France during World War II. Napoleon created the Legion of Honor in 1802 to acknowledge services rendered to France by people of great merit.
Agency Promotion
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency Inc. and Lambert Insurance Agency Inc. have promoted Irene Resendes to office manager of their Oak Bluffs location.
Ms. Resendes joined the Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency as a customer service representative in 1984. She most recently served as an office supervisor specializing in commercial insurance. In her new role as office manager, she will continue to provide service to her existing commercial insurance clients as well as generating new business for the agency.
Temperature: Precip.
Day Max. Min. Inches.
Fº Fº
Feb. 8 39 32 .00
Feb. 9 44 27 Trace
Feb. 10 48 36 .05
Feb. 11 50 13 Trace
Feb. 12 26 16 Trace
Feb. 13 49 22 .13
Feb. 14 52 32 1.07
Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 43º F.
Dean’s List
Several Vineyard students attending the University of Massachusetts at Boston have been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2007 semester. They are Wendy Gibson and Kelly Walden of Edgartown, and Lauren Barlosky, Alicia Maciel and Ashley Spinney of Vineyard Haven.
Many threads have woven through history to shape the Valentine’s Day we celebrate today into admittedly a rather commercial holiday. But it’s been industrialized since the mid-1800s when an enterprising Boston artist, Esther Howland, picked up on the popularity amongst wealthy Europeans of exchanging intricately designed Valentine’s cards. Ms. Howland started the first Valentine’s Day card company in the United States, handcrafting cards with ribbons and paper lace imported from England.