Vaccine Shortages Strike Flu Clinics

Vaccine Shortages Strike Flu Clinics

Health Officials Say Clinics Canceled as National Crisis Hits Home;
Common Sense Is Urged


Public health officials across the Vineyard confirmed this week that
all of the fall flu clinics have been canceled indefinitely while the
Island waits to see just how many vaccines it may or may not receive.

Officials said they are in constant contact with the state
Department of Public Health, and will announce vaccination updates as
soon as information is available.

Fast Ferry Sails Into Off Season

Fast Ferry Sails Into Off Season

New Bedford Service Continues Through the Winter Months; Private
Operators to Test New Vineyard Route


Heading into uncharted waters, the New England Fast Ferry company
shifted to its winter schedule this week, providing the Island's
first year-round service to New Bedford since the final run of the
Nobska on New Year's Eve, 1960.

Island School Committee Names Edward Jerome Interim Superintendent

The All-Island School Committee voted without dissent this week to hire Edgartown School principal Edward Jerome as interim superintendent of the public schools.

Recommended last week by the cabinet of Island principals and assistant principals, the 90-day appointment of Mr. Jerome was approved Wednesday by the school board. The appointment is effective tomorrow, one day after Vineyard schools superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash officially steps down.

Derby Heads Into Final Tourney Hours with Heated Competition for Top Spots

With two days to go before the close of the 59th Martha's
Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby, tournament officials are
already calling this year's event one of the most successful in
the history of the competition.

Two Vineyard Educators Proposed as Candidates for Interim School Post

Two Vineyard Educators Proposed as Candidates for Interim School


At the behest of the all-Island school committee, a group of top
school administrators, yesterday recommended two of their own for
consideration as interim superintendent of Vineyard schools.

Blinker Roundabout Proposal Hits New Bumps in Oak Bluffs

One week after an Oak Bluffs selectman withdrew his support for the
planned roundabout at the blinker intersection, new doubts are surfacing
over the future of the project.

Selectman Richard Combra unexpectedly reversed his stance at the
regular board meeting last week. Mr. Combra said he thinks the
roundabout could create more bottlenecks at the Triangle intersection on
the Edgartown end and the State Road intersection on the Vineyard Haven

Vineyard Governor Seeks Second Term

In spite of a tumultuous first three years as Vineyard Steamship
Authority governor, Kathryn A. Roessel wants more.

On Wednesday Ms. Roessel submitted a letter to the Dukes County
commissioners, formally seeking reappointment to the high-profile
volunteer position. Her current three-year term expires at the end of
the December.

Menemsha in the Morning with Lev Wlodyka

Sitting on Squid Row behind the Texaco station in Menemsha is a
pretty good place to be if you want to learn something about fishing.

Service Workers Land Contract

Service Workers Land Contract

Union leaders announced yesterday that they had struck a contract
for 200 service workers at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital and the
Windemere Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center.

The two-year contract is effective Oct. 1 and includes a three per
cent cost of living increase for workers over the next two years. When
step increases are added, workers at the hospital and Windemere can
expect to see a total salary increase between six and eight per cent.

Public Bulletin on Influenza Vaccine

Public Bulletin on Influenza Vaccine

The national flu vaccine shortage announced this week has caused a
ripple of reaction on the Vineyard, and local visiting nurse services
and health agencies report a flood of telephone calls from concerned
residents, many of them elderly.

Public health officials said the shortage will affect the Vineyard,
but it is too early to say how much.
