Boat Fatality Case Against Developer Appears to Weaken

Criminal charges facing a prominent Quincy developer whose speedboat
killed a close friend in Edgartown harbor on the Fourth of July appear
to be losing steam.

One Family's Vision Makes Dream of Affordable House Come True

It's the story of one Island family's refusal to gouge
another year-round family struggling to find a home in an expensive real
estate market. It's the story of a real estate broker determined
to find the perfect buyer - a moderate-income Island family
desperate to buy their own home after a decade of shuffling from one
inadequate rental to another.

For once, it's an affordable housing story with a happy

School Officials See Gains in Student Test Results

A tidal wave of numbers, percentages and statistics - the results of last year's state MCAS test - came washing over Vineyard schools, challenging school leaders to avoid comparisons and identify trends that show where teachers are getting it right and where they might be falling short.

Boat Line Unveils Early Plans for New Islander

Boat Line Unveils Early Plans for New Islander

Gazette Senior Writer

Early concept drawings were unveiled last week for a 250-foot,
doubled-ended ferry that will eventually replace the Islander, the
dependable and beloved Steamship Authority ferry that has plied the
route between Woods Hole and the Vineyard for 52 years.

Commission Rejects Gas Station Proposal on Busy State Road

Questioning the need and citing possible negative effects on the
mom-and-pop gas stations up-Island, the Martha's Vineyard
Commission voted without dissent last week to reject a plan for a new
gas station on State Road in Vineyard Haven.

"I don't think we should be building any more facilities
to accommodate the automobile, and this is going to rob Peter to pay
Paul," said commission member Tristan Israel.

Kids' Derby Chases Fluke, Scup, Prizes in Sunrise Contest

The son of an Edgartown commercial fisherman is this year's
winner of the 21st annual Kids' Derby, held Saturday at the Oak
Bluffs Steamship Authority Wharf. Adam Castro, 6 years old, caught a
19-inch fluke; his father is Scott Castro.

More than 250 youngsters from around the Island participated in the
morning of fishing and prizes. Most of the top winners of this
year's contest caught fluke - large, doormat-sized fluke.

Falmouth SSA Governor Sues Selectmen to Block His Ouster

Falmouth SSA Governor Sues Selectmen to Block His Ouster


The standoff between Falmouth Steamship Authority governor and board
chairman Galen Robbins escalated yesterday when Mr. Robbins filed a
tough complaint in federal court against the Falmouth selectmen, who are
trying to oust him as the town's boat line governor.

Among other things, the complaint charges that the selectmen
violated Mr. Robbins's First Amendment and civil rights when they
took steps last month to remove him as boat line governor.

Meet Bill: Celebrity on the Take and Make

Across the country and possibly even overseas, tourists who visited the Island are back home flipping through their snapshots and looking at pictures of the Gay Head Lighthouse, the Whaling Church, windswept Vineyard beaches and Bill - Bill the cat.

West Tisbury Political Landscape Changes; Town Grapples with Tensions After Election

On the surface, front-burner issues in West Tisbury don't appear to have changed much in the last couple of years.

Democrats Choose Robert Reich in a Low Turnout Primary Vote

Vineyard Democrats broke ranks with the rest of the commonwealth
this week, throwing their support to former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert
Reich over state treasurer Shannon P. O'Brien in the primary race
for governor.
