Armed with the results of an anonymous survey that praised the Chilmark School for it small class sizes and strong sense of community but was critical of its leadership, communication and staff turnover, the chairman of a fledgling school task force unveiled a report last night, urging regional school board members to take action on more than a dozen areas of concern.
More than 2,000 people gathered in the Tabernacle Saturday night to celebrate the structure's 125th birthday.
Grandparents, grandchildren, and everyone in between filled the rows, sitting on some of the same benches used in the 1800s, when the religious campers gathered under the oak trees and the canvas tent that predated the Tabernacle's construction in 1879.
"It had begun to look its age - and so have I," said the evening's host, newsman and Vineyard Haven summer resident Mike Wallace, complimenting achievements of the Tabernacle's current restoration project.
They Go 'Round the Island in Eight Hours
Godspeed, captained by John Nugent, won its class in last
year's 'Round the Island Race, sponsored by the Edgartown
Yacht Club. This year the boat came in third.
What went wrong? Nothing, if you believe Godspeed's crew.
Garage Case Gets a Hearing
Oak Bluffs Renovation Controversy Receives Zoning Board Review This
Thursday Evening; Battle of the Lawyers
The three-story garage that galvanized a neighborhood and triggered
political skirmishes across Oak Bluffs comes before the town zoning
board of appeals Thursday night when garage owner Joseph Moujabber tries
to win back his building permit and put his project back on track.
What to Do if Repair Can't Happen Before This Fall's
Classes Begin? Other Old Questions Surface in a New Town Hall Setting
Faced with the prospect that the Chilmark School will not be
repaired by September, selectmen on Tuesday night discussed how the town
might get through another year with the building in its current
Tisbury Police Cut Back at Steamship Terminal
The Tisbury police department has scaled back its police detail at
the boat line terminal in Vineyard Haven.
The impact this will have on arriving and departing passengers is
unclear; but the move comes as police face budget constraints in the new
fiscal year without the guarantee of a longtime Steamship Authority
Nantucket Asks: What's the Big Deal?
Gazette Senior Writer
It was the logical next step in a business matter that began last
This is the viewpoint on Nantucket, where residents and elected
officials are apparently mystified at last week's flap over the
news that draft legislation is now circulating to study breaking up the
public boat line which has been the lifeline to the two Islands since
Shellfish Group Struggles with Shortfall
The Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group is in the midst of a
financial crisis. Director Rick Karney is troubled; it means greater
hardship in an already difficult business of raising juvenile shellfish.
Wyc and Corinne Grousbeck are having a few friends to their
Edgartown Great Pond home this month to talk shop.
Boston Celtics coaching legend Arnold (Red) Auerbach and his former
offensive star K.C. Jones will be spinning tales about the Celtics
eight-straight National Basketball Association (NBA) championship streak
back in the 1950s and 1960s - educating and entertaining the
Celtics' newest majority owners.
Police Study Landlord's Hidden Camera; Affidavit Lists Case
for Search Warrant
Tisbury police are investigating whether an electrical contractor
may have illegally videotaped tenants in a rented house after a hidden
camera was found in a bathroom there on the morning of June 27.
Richard T. Lehman, 50, owns the property at 450 Franklin street,
where a small camera was discovered by a tenant, who called the police
after her son identified the device.