Dig Out Those Old Photos For New Restoration Class

A four-part, hands-on digital photo restoration class begins next week at the high school.

Participants will learn how to digitally restore and reprint damaged, fading snapshots; scan and make enlargements from negatives and slides of all sizes and formats; learn how to use Adobe Photoshop CS3 to digitally retouch and restore images; master the use of film and flatbed scanners; and make detailed enlargements for print or for the Web.

Rebecca Miller

Even the Kids Approve of this Carrot Soup

In the summer, when there is an abundance of produce available from our 28 Island farms, it’s easy for Vineyarders to plan meals based on local, seasonal food. But even with the vernal equinox upon us, winter is still maintaining its hold on our gardens, so making a meal based on Island food can be a challenge. Rebecca Miller, farmer and co-owner (with her husband Matthew Dix) of North Tabor Farm in Chilmark, is up to the task.

Mocha Mott’s Cook Shows How to Make Feijoada

The Vineyard Haven Library Lecture Series will present a free cooking demonstration, Cooking with Bella: Feijoada the American Way, on Wednesday, March 26, at 4 p.m.

This will be the first of a new series of lectures planned for the afternoons.

From a long line of excellent cooks, Bella Felipe will teach participants how to make feijoada. Her grandparents had a coffee shop in Brazil, and now she is the Mocha Mott’s baker and soup maker (she makes feijoada the American way there almost every week).

Food Safety Classes

Food Safety Classes

Starting Tuesday, March 25, ServSafe food sanitation classes will be held for anyone who requires the certification to meet the rules to be a person in charge in a restaurant or other food service establishment.

Cynthia Barletta and Alice Robinson of Public Health Network Services will teach the classes, which are sponsored by the Oak Bluffs Association. The series of classes runs for three consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School.

Cupid and Psyche

Cupid and Psyche

The curtains go up next Friday night for a one-night-only performance of Cupid and Psyche, a 2,000-year-old love story. Spindrift Marionettes will present their most ambitious production yet, a full-length puppet show for adults as well as children over ten. It features marionettes, life-sized goddess puppets and shadow puppets re-imagining the ancient tale of love and loss, courage and despair, in a world where gods and mortals interact to both comic and tragic effect.

On Island Tables: A Spring Palate

A Spring Palate

The arrival of spring promises a fresh new palate of colors, tastes and textures, and plates as pretty as pictures. Fading from the canvas are the earth-tone stews and roasted root vegetables. Tender crisp is now de rigueur, not fall-off-the-bone, fork tender.

Reflecting these seasonal tastes, Easter dinner heralds spring with a pastel spread of rosy ham, pink lamb, asparagus hollandaise, and lemon meringue pie. A festive side dish that will look much prettier on the plate than mashed potatoes is the following rice recipe.

Spirit of Place

Spirit of Place

Living with the Spirit of Place is the title of a slide show and talk set for Thursday, March 27, at 6 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs Public Library.

Dr. Patrick MacManaway, holistic therapist, author, and current president of the British Society of Dowsers, will present a slide show and talk about how the places we live and work affect our level of energy, mood and attitude.

There will be time for questions and discussion, and refreshments will be served.

Celebrating the Egg

Next week, I will put all of my eggs in one basket.


Personal Bird Watching

“You got to be in it to win it” and “You can’t win if you don’t play” are lottery slogans that also ring true when it comes to birding. The nice thing about birding on the Vineyard is that, if you can get out the door, you can find birds, and find them in a variety of inspiring habitats.

The Vineyard Gardener


It is an uphill climb from every direction to my hometown of Rew. It is one of the highest points in the state of Pennsylvania.

It was a typical rural village in the northern Appalachian mountain range. We had an elementary school, gas station, mom-and-pop grocery store, beer joint, and a fire hall that hosted square dancing every Saturday night. Now that the mall and Wal-Mart killed the place, all that is left is a little church which cannot support its own minister.
