Report Details Tisbury Building Woes

You could hardly accuse the drafters of the town of Tisbury’s Municipal Needs Assessment of understating the town’s planning problems.

“All the town’s major public buildings,” including the fire department, police and ambulance services, town hall and annex, says the first of the report’s findings, “are in a poor location and/or poor condition.”

Vineyard Housing Bank Bill Cleared by House Committee, Proceeds to Senate

A bill to establish a housing bank to fund affordable housing on the Island has cleared the Massachusetts House and is before the state Senate for consideration after failing in the House two years ago.

Rep. Eric Turkington, who represents the Vineyard, said this week he is heartened by the favorable vote by the House finance committee to create the fund, now before the Senate, that could create $2 million a year in affordable housing funds for the Island.

New Pastor Called to Faith Church in Edgartown

Dr. Jeffrey W. Winter has been called as the new pastor of Faith Community Church in Edgartown. He follows the Rev. Ken Campbell who served this church for nine years.

On Sunday, Feb. 10, Mr. Winter was installed as the new pastor at Faith Community Church, 316 Meetinghouse Way, Edgartown.

Mr. Winter, an ordained Presbyterian Church USA pastor, is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Seminary in South Hamilton and McCormick Seminary in Chicago.


What’s Good for the Goose Is a Cow

An unusual goose resides at Elisha Smith’s farm in Oak Bluffs: a goose who thinks she is a cow.

In the normal world of farm animals, species stick together. The cows hang with the cows, the chickens move together in a wave across the field, and the geese fly into the barn and out together, as a flock.

In this case, one goose will have nothing to do with the other geese. This seven or eight-year-old Toulouse goose has identified herself in a manner quite unlike her kind. She hangs with the cows and shows particular affection for one of them.

Ahead of Beer and Wine Vote, Tisbury Sets Restaurant Rules

Tisbury selectmen this week completed town beer and wine regulations should residents vote at the ballot in April to approve such alcohol sales.

The regulations — which would govern licensed eateries and the application process — were finished after a long road of review over the winter.

Selectmen finished their 17-page document Tuesday afternoon in a two-hour meeting that included a public hearing at the Katharine Cornell Theatre. The regulations will be available Monday at town hall.


Vigorous Vineyard Hockey Team Makes Second Round of Finals

Despite some strong goaltending and many power play opportunities — including four in the final period alone — the boys’ hockey team on Wednesday could not figure out the swarming defense of the Sandwich Knights and lost 3-1 in the second round of the Division II south sectional finals at Gallo Ice Arena.

Sinking Library Floor Prompts Aquinnah Selectmen to Act

The Aquinnah selectmen moved this week to take remedial action at the town library for public safety.

On Tuesday night, the selectmen passed a motion to pay engineer Kent Healy $200 for a thorough inspection, which is expected to confirm the need for emergency repairs.

If so, the board pledged to raise $50,000 immediately for repairs to the foundation and a floor that has reportedly sunk 10 inches in recent years.

A special town meeting would be held in mid-April to request taxpayer authorization for the repairs.

Miller Becomes Specialist

Miller Becomes Specialist

Elaine T. Miller of Sandpiper Realty Inc. in Edgartown has earned the seniors real estate specialist designation, which focuses on educating realtors to serve real estate buyers and sellers who are aged 55 and older.

State Official Renews Efforts To Cap Home Insurance Hikes

In an effort to bring relief to some Cape and Islands residents who already pay some of the highest home insurance premiums in the nation, state Rep. Eric T. Turkington earlier this week filed a bill that would institute a cap on future increases to the so-called FAIR plan, the state-backed insurer of last resort for many Vineyarders.

Daylight Saving Time

Gardeners, farmers and fishermen receive a present on Sunday. It isn’t for their pockets, but it just as well might be. An additional hour of daylight arrives at the end of the day with Daylight Saving Time coming on Sunday.
